Wednesday, August 2, 2023

United States Coordinates Attack Against Russian Navy


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Ukraine Attempts To Attack Warships Of
Russia's Black Sea Fleet

With the advent of the United States positioning Global Hawk strike command over the Black Sea, and the Kiev Nazi sending out suicide demo ships to sink Russian Navy ships, as they attacked the Crimean Bridge in murdering two innocent Russian parents, it is not a surprise that Russia, engaging it's proxy forces of the Wagner Musicians and Belrusian Air Force, flew two combat helicopter 3 kilometers deep inside of Poland today.

According to fully verified information, during exercises of the Belarusian Army with the forces of Wagner, two Belarusian helicopters Mi-24 and Mi-8 entered 3 km into the Polish Airspace flying at a very low altitude.

This is Wagner's first operation against Poland. The Russians tested NATO air defenses.

But what if the Belarusian helicopters were shot down? Let's not forget that Minsk, in fact the Russians, have transferred nukes.

President Vladimir Putin at the same time, stated that Russia does not want war with the United States or NATO, but that Russia is well prepared for that war. This gives meaning to the flight into Poland which has played the yapping dog for London in murdering Russians by their mercenaries in Ukraine.
Russia has been plain in stating that it expects Polish, American and English special forces to join Nazi Kiev forces in a commando attack in South Ukraine, against the nuclear facilities there and into the Russian lines. Russia expects that Poland is moving to annex western Ukraine so "Ukraine can be a part of NATO" while ceasing to exist as a nation.

This is what is behind the deployment on nuclear weapons in Belarussia, and the staging of part of Wagner Musicians on the Polish border. They are to intimidate Poland, and keep Warsaw and London from annexing Ukraine West.

This does seem a bold move on the Kremlin's part, but it is not, as President Putin has stated that Russia is ready to fight a war against NATO and win that war. In order to stop Warsaw and London from annexing Ukraine, Russia must by strategy, intimidate Poland. Poland is no longer plotting or mouthing off about annexing Ukraine. Poland is now scared shitless of Russia annexing them. The war has come home to the woke of Warsaw.

We know Poland is scared shitless, because their air defense minister denied this overflight took place, while other parts of the Polish regime ran back to NATO and pleaded for a meeting as Russia was flying over their territory.

Do not forget that President Putin stated that Russia was going to remind Poland that their western part was a gift from Soviet leader Joe Stalin. Russia in their understanding is just flying over territory which was bestowed upon Warsaw from Russia. Russia has every legal right to move military equipment over eastern Poland as much as Italy has political rights as a protecting power to produce troops in Libya as much as France in Lebanon as protecting powers.

Russia learned a great deal today, or Russia confirmed what it already knew, in NATO in Poland are gutless and will not resist. Wagner today felt up the Vatican's mistress with the Pope looking on, and NATO did not react.

Wow all of that Article 5 bullshit about one NATO member threatened and all will come to their aid, just got flushed as Wagner flew around pissing on these Polish cowards and Poland ran home to London, begging America to fight the war for them again.

If you recall, the Lame Cherry predicted that Wagner was on a mission to disrupt Poland and weaken that regime. That began today, and it began due to DC Wokesters deploying Global Hawk to coordinate a terror attack on the Russian Navy by the Kiev suicide bombers.

Wagner is very adept and successful at political disruption. It completed the first mission today and proved that Russia can and will go anywhere it chooses and NATO will do nothing, but deploy more fag troops and worthless munitions against Russia.

Russia will continue to ratchet this up in Poland and Lithuania, Russia will continue to advance on Odessa and Ukraine South. It is logical to project a real event structure due to the coming Axis paratrooper deployment on Russian soil, that Kiev will be in Russian hands by Christmas.

What this logically will hinge on the control of Odessa proper to landlock Ukraine, and the success of Wagner in making the Poles deploy further back from the Wagner lines. That is what his 3 km flight was about. Russia is drawing a line in Poland as a DMZ. They have already forced Poland to not annex Ukraine as the results revealed today, and this has moved NATO not into Ukraine, but NATO has just yielded a 50 mile demilitarized zone on the Belarussian border as this is the Russian strike zone.

This is a banner day for the Russian Federation. August 2nd, 2023 AD in the year of our Lord will go down in Russian history as the day that Russia forced the NATO line back in their nemesis of Poland, which means the Baltic dogs have gone to kennel too.

Not a good day for thee American Pentagon as they lost another strategic battle in the projection of power on the Russian front, 21st century.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
