Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Computer EMP


The slant eyes are too ignorant to create doomsday. We do it for them,
they get the blame, and we take out the God DNA round eye competitors.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It may sound cliche to report that this is troubling, but it is troubling that the girls of Peking have penetrated the inner depths of thee American vulva.

Pay particular attention to what the "Chinese" have penetrated. Electric, communications and water, both military and civilian. This means the superstate areas like Fort Bliss, Texas; Fort Lewis, Washingont; Ellsworth, South Dakota;  Nellis, Nevada; Fort Stewart, Georgia, will shut down the entire grids in most of those states too as population centers. The protocol for this is the military will enact precedent, and seize civilian supply and workers. That will turn the civilians against the military and the military against the civilians in competition over supplies in martial law.

The Lame Cherry can assure you, that the "Chinese" in having penetrated the military grid, and the associated civilian lights, power and communications, that the "Chinese" have penetrated the banking structure as much as Wall Street.
You rich people who have not been donating, should comprehend what the above is telling you from the below. The message is, that the "Chinese" can wipe all financial systems too. You want to find a klusterfuck, you just watch rich people being told there is not a record they own a million dollars in stock in their favorite Nazi conglomerate. There will not be any proof, and you sure as hell know that Walmart is not going to be handing out stock to people, just because you have a letter saying you own stock. All of these conglomerates will keep their new found treasure and sell it to the saps again.

Meet you on the other side.

The New York Times reported:

The malware was hidden deep inside the networks controlling power grids, communications systems and water supplies that feed military bases in the United States and around the world.

Officials said that:

While the effort to destroy the malware has been underway for months, they still don’t know how widespread it is, [but suspect] it infected systems that impact not only the U.S. military but also U.S. citizens and the economy.

If you are wondering why the Lame Cherry uses the term "Chinese" in this as China is being blamed. Look carefully though at what the CIA New York Times is reporting.

The Times is stating that Peking might not be aware of this malware which is an act of war against the United States. Also no one in the United States with contacts in China, apparently can figure out how devastating this Trojan program is.

You think on that a bit and read, as I will meet you on the other side.

During a recent Intelligence and National Security Summit, Deputy Director of the National Security Agency George Barnes stated, “China is steadfast and determined to penetrate our governments, our companies, our critical infrastructure.”

The New York Times reported that the new malware has the potential to allow China to cut off the access of U.S. military bases to power, water, and communications, as well as impact homes and businesses throughout the United States. National Security Agency Director of Cybersecurity Rob Joyce has described the new malware as “really disturbing.”

Experts have indicated that it is currently not certain whether China’s government is aware of the recent malware, according to The New York Times. Additionally, it is not clear how well the software works.

Do you remember the Fauci Flu? Remember how this was Fauci with the deep state, sending viruses to China to be developed there, to keep them off what was left of US and European monitoring? It was not the United States involved in this. It was not Peking involved in this. It was the cartel in their operatives in both nations.
No conspiracy theory in this, as the reports keep surfacing that Jew Street banking has been coddling the Chinese a their pet project for this development (It will lead to world war). The insiders are protecting Fauci and China just as they have the FBI hunting down Jan6ers as enemies of the state. This is absolute corruption.

There was that odd Lindsey Williams, as much as Jeff Rense who were fed inside information from the cartel pillow talkers. The cartel is a committee who by hook and crook of absolute control, bring fellow traveling conglomerate along from oil to computers, for their personal gain. The bag men and hedgers get information on where things are really going, as it is all scripted. That information sometimes leaks as the cartel lusts to have credit for operations, or they do not get credit in the inner sanctum for them.

Inside all of these regimes, is the functioning regime which does not answer to Peking or DC or Moscow. The hand that rocks the lord of war cradle. That is what is the reality in this like the Fauci Flu which was a mind rape operation with designated casualties. The same group that did the bio flu, has enacted their computer group, who via China put a Doomsday Virus inside the United States systems. I did not address this, but the report said GLOBAL US MILITARY BASES. That means the infrastructure of US bases in Germany, Japan, England, Italy, Saudi Arabia, are the platform which will shut down what is left of NON BRICS in this world, in those nations will all be kaput too.

I'm going to share something, by not naming the person, but they will recognize me waving to them. This "Chinese" hack is of course computer based as a lead pencil can not be hacked. Our world is moving through a 32 bit to 64 bit phase. Without Caucasian engineers, this is going to not be, because every system has a command. Let me put it this way. You fill up gas at the pump.

The pump has a chip reader.
The system in the retailer has a computer link and uplink.

The fuel seller has a server which processes this sale.

This sale is run through Visa if it is a gas card.

In order to pay your bill, you get billed from the Visa platform, your gas seller platform. They talk to the printers that print your bill or E bill you online to your bank, which is another computer uplink. The gas company in turn talk to the post office computers to get that bill delivered. This all then when you write out a check to pay the bill, starts the process in reverse.

As you can see there are numerous computer platforms tall talking to each other.  The "Chinese" are in this entire system. One part of this system has the code altered, and an error message occurs. The gas company server tells it's printer to print up 100,000 bills and that many error messages come back.

Amplify that to every thing in America, from you swiping your card and getting error messages for groceries, to the IRS, to your light bill, to a US nuclear missile silo receiving an error message of the water is shut off, so the silo must be opened to save the operators, and just like that the Minute Men will not launch and the doors will be wide open for anyone to walk in.

I can assure you that the Chinese no more wrote this Malware, anymore than they created the Fauci Flu out of Ann Coulter's bat's ass. This came from the inside in the "West" in this operation to shut the West down, by pulling the plug on America, so the anti Christ in European Babylon can come to power to save us all.

Microsoft "found this"? The same Bill Gates who gets erections over pandemics.  This Malware was created by the same people who created all the NSA and DIA malware, and it all began with Tel Aviv hijacking PROMIS in the Reagan era.

So that is what is troubling in this. The New York Time's CIA was leaked this information. The CIA has been leaking a great deal of information on Ukraine, as the "CIA" has recognized that they are the odd genders out in this, that a greater central authority which has been making great CIA propaganda for them for years, is in the process of taking America down for their purposes of control.

It is evident the CIA is scared as it can not stop what is being unleashed.

If you are interested in where this is operational from, it is London and Tel Aviv, but the are no more in control of this than the lesbians of Berlin with HAARP. They are all extensions of the lords and the priests.

In short, the CIA Times just informed us, that the operatives of the cartel, inside the DC and Peking regimes, for warfare to be ignited, installed a Computer EMP to take out the programming of all computers in a meltdown.

Bill Gates clown corp can not find it, can not remove it and it is apparent, this Malware has woven itself to the codex in a spike protein type insertion and replication just like COVID.

This is the Doomsday Virus, equal to COVID. They have infected the human body with prion death and now the Artificial Intelligence has been jabbed to their prion mind.

Nuff Said
