Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Chappaquiddick Obama


When I placed the Kennedy mantel on this Obama, I specifically told them
"Do not drown people on Martha's Vineyard, like I did at Chappaquiddick  and, well, they
, here we go again!"

On last Sunday night, 45-year-old Tafari was in an accident while paddleboarding on the Great Edgartown Pond. At 7:46 pm, an emergency call was made describing his fall and subsequent struggle to stand back up. The reason for the call was not given, although it was noted in the Edgartown Police Department’s logs.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When the Lame Cherry broke the story exclusively that there was a cover up involving the Obama dumbwaiter on Obama Pond, it is now days later that the Lame Cherry can prove by the above, that there is a cover up going on, and Obama Inc with the authorities are lying.

The Lame Cherry actually conducted research about Obama Pond and published that Obama Pond is only 3 to 4 feet deep. The dumbwaiter is 6.6 feet tall. There is absolutely not any way he drown in the reported 8 feet of water as that depth does not exist.

We now can confirm the Lame Cherry was right again, in the above hysterical statement about the drowning event.

describing his fall and subsequent struggle to stand back up

Thee eyewitness and the authorities recorded thee exact moment, the dumbwaiter fell, went under water and then STRUGGLED TO STAND BACK UP. This is conclusive evidence that the dumbwaiter was standing on the paddle board, and conclusive evidence, that the dumbwaiter was not trying to swim to the surface, because you can not STAND BACK UP in 8 feet of water. You stand back up in 3 feet of water. This proves the dumbwaiter was in shallow water in the first lie offered to the public in this.

The second lie is that the person on shore swam out to the dumbwaiter's position. The water was too shallow. The witness therefore was treading water to get to the position.

There was absolutely not any reason to lie in this. Idiots showing off for those they are attracted to, injure themselves and get killed all the time in showboating. The lie though was perpetuated for reasons which follow. The worst of this is, is the deception by the Secret Service and Maryland State Police about the water depth of 8 feet, which was meant to convey that the dumbwaiter was in such deep water that he could not be found. The cover up is then to protect whoever the witness was so questions like Teddy Kennedy in his bridge incident, as to why people drowned in shallow water.

Meet you on the other side.

MONDAY, JULY 31, 2023

According to the report, the individual who saw Campbell lose his balance and falling into the water swam to shore, notified someone, and that person contacted 911.

On Martha’s Vineyard, emergency dispatchers also noted that the initial 911 call was placed by a lady who was on a boat by 8:18 pm, maybe looking for Campbell.

It is still unknown who this woman was and whether or not Campbell was riding with her.

The Massachusetts State Police’s assertion that the initial call originated from there is refuted by the fact that Wilson’s Landing, a paddleboard launch place located about two miles from the Obamas’ home on Turkeyland Cove, is listed as the call’s source.

What is now the factual case, is the dumbwaiter fell off the paddler board and apparently struck their head on the water surface, which can be quite solid, and dazed the dumbwaiter. The struggle to stand proves this was the case, in the dumbwaiter was so punch drunk, that he collapsed back into the water and subsequently drown.

The witness was perhaps during this time stunned, and in a panic, and moved to the location, but by this amount of time a struggling person could have kicked themselves in dying yards away from the location.

It is at this point that the story exhibits a second series of lies in a cover up.

Whoever the dumbwaiter was on a date with, who was not his wife or children, did not use their cell phone to call for help. This becomes even worse than the Lame Cherry first projected in this person did not go to the Obama mansion for help which was close, where Secret Service was present. Instead, they moved 2 miles, which is a very long distance to the paddle board rental shop. The Lame Cherry will inform you that this is a big story, because the major Mockingbird Media, would have access to the paddle shop, and the shop owner will have known who was with the dumbwaiter. All are keeping silent on this person's identity to protect them.

We have definite 911 time records in a call came in, from someone phoning for the witness at 7:46 PM. Another call is recorded at 8:18 PM by a woman phoning in. This is a 26 minute time difference.

We can back track all of this, to the two miles to the paddle shop. We are not talking about a 4 minute mile here. The factor would be perhaps 20 minutes, add 10 minutes to the "frantic search by the witness", and the dumbwaiter had been dead a half hour at least before the 911 call came in. Time of death would then be around 7:15 PM. As the paddle shop was a confirmed 2 miles away, and this was not a marathon race, the rental took place between 5 PM and 6 PM, and the couple then paddled to this secluded area, where the showing off took place or a sex romp on the homosexual beach took place, before  the drowning took place.

The Lame Cherry provides the following exclusive insights to the area which  no one else has published. 

The first is Wilson's Landing.

As one can discern, the dumbwaiter was not on some kayak, this was a rather larger vessel, built for two.

The second photos show you the scene in map and satellite image.

Click on the pictures to study them, as you will find that Turkeyland Cove in the Obama Mansion has only a few mansion on it. You will see a puzzling reality, that when you have access to the Obama Mansion, WHERE YOU ARE PADDLING, someone is drowning, then why like Teddy Kennedy at Chappaquidick do you go the opposite direction to report the accident?

Obama Beach was 100 yards away with help, while Wilson's Landing is 2 miles away.

What this all looks like in this cover up, is the principle in this is image Obama, the Obama stand in, who invited up the dumbwaiter for a mandate to paddle around the Obama cove, have some flute playing on the beach, the younger man paddles out and shows off, probably having some narcotic influences, and falls off the paddle boat, as the person he is showing off for, lounges on the beach as Lawrence Sinclair recorded that Obama liked to lounge naked after gay sexual encounters on a bed in motel rooms.

The rest is now a panic cover up for Obama Inc, as people would ask where Muchelle was in on her girl bath date, and what kind of boy fun was the image Obama involved in, as the cover up took over, instead of finding help for the dumbwaiter.

We are witnessing a high up protection mode, greater than what the Kennedy's could ever invoke and the same cartel that installed an illegitimate British subject who was not natural born into the White House.

This of course then goes into the time line when Obama left the building on June 13th, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, and  Muchelle was the hand rocking the geezer cradle as Vice President Joe was acting as executive, and this is why Hunter Biden was able to launder so much bribe money to the Biden crime family as the Delaware mafia.

We are talking here of negligent homicide, as not going to the Obama Mansion, and instead going 2 miles away left a drowning human to succumb to that fate, instead of helping them.

The authorities know who was the witness. By their reaction it is a VIP as this is a flagrant cover up with ridiculous holes in it. Teddy Kennedy was convicted of leaving the scene of an accident and causing bodily injury. This paddle partner should be indicted on thee exact same charges, if not more to the point, negligent homicide, as this paddle partner was more interested in covering their own ass, than in the life of another human.

So the projection of a sex romp gone bad, while Muchelle was having a girl bath romp, fits the evidence of the cover up. Thee image Obama shiner and bite marks on his fingers, indicates that Muchelle roughed up the Obama stand in in a fury over how this jeopardized her political career for 2024 AD in the year of our Lord.

Consider the facts which would come out. A gay sex romp gone bad. Someone covering up the accident so the person died. The homeowner was off on her own sex romp.
Now consider an arrest. What if the Obama fingerprints do not match. What if the DNA blood type do not match. How do you explain all of that in a ruse that has been going on for years. No one can, and that the destroys Muchelle's plans to get on the RFK ticket where RFK will be removed and all of us in sorrow will vote for LBJ or HHH Muchelle to be installed as the next freely elected dictator.

Mockingbird reporters were told to stay away from this story and they have obeyed. There is a big story here and the Lame Cherry proved that point in the lie of the drowning in 8 feet of water. Elon Musk of the DIA on Twitter even was told to suppress this story at all costs.

The Deuce has an opportunity to protect himself in calling for an investigation of the incident and the Obamas. It will keep Muchelle in her Martha's Cage and allow RFK II to direct his own choice of Vice President.

Again why is it, that only the best blog in the world is reporting on the legitimate evidence in this?

Was Barack Hussein Obama beat up, or was this the stand in? Why is there not a Secret Service investigation of this assault? What is everyone covering up?

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
