Saturday, August 5, 2023

From a man who pulls Tits


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I zero in on old Ford pick ups.  Today's attraction was this 1990's ish Ford 150 extended cab. I was admiring it as it as a four wheel drive, when I started reading the back window.

Previously, I had mentioned to TL that the tool box was probably worth more than the pick up.

The message to the world by the driver........pick up was filthy with dust which is like our GMC as you can't go anywhere without dust covering everything which produces added charms in a world of people who wash their vehicles several time a week was........


I have to laugh at someone with that kind of attitude. I made sure when we took the picture he was not around as I did not want to get into a gun fight or a hammer against my baseball bat.

Sure as hell would rather read statements like this rather than Trump 2024 or Kids on Board or some woke shit.

Nuff Said
