Saturday, August 5, 2023

No Business like Cancer Business


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When I watch old television series, I usually have my laptop running, typing for the blog, or I'm on a site that TL showed me long ago when we first met in the International Movie Data Base. I really like seeing what actors were in what and recognizing them from other things.

I am watching a bunch of unimpressive Blacks on Gunsmoke who I have seen littering up numerous other television and movie episodes, which was more posing than acting. This though is not about that, but about happening upon a page in the IMDB for actors who died from cancer.

There are over 1200 names based on the following, and they cover America, England and Japan mostly.

including deaths by brain tumor, emphysema, melanoma, myeloma,mesothelioma and lymphoma.

I have no idea how many actors and actresses there are, but it is not an infinite number, like doctors or teachers who number a good chunk of society. On the page, you see allot of old time actors and actresses, which makes me wonder what would have increased these people's chances of death.

Smoking was common then, but that was an era which smoking continued to the 1970's, and there did not seem to be the same spike. So what actors and actresses have in common are film, lights and as the Holy Ghost just whispered.........make up.

I know Buddy Ebsen almost died from a reaction to aluminum cosmetics, so could there have been something in the original make up which produced cancers in actors and actresses?

What else could affect actors and actresses on 3 different continents exposed to the early film industry?

I do not have the answer, but something really seemed off in this. Some like John Wayne and Susan Hayward died from cancer, being exposed to radioactive waste from bomb blasts, but these others are just of a different origin or else everyone would have died from radioactive exposure long ago.

Nuff Said

