Sunday, August 6, 2023

la manœuvre

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Sometimes in life as in most times in life, it is position, that is what matters.

You may think the black position is weak, and yet it kept up an impossible to break defense, providing white did not want to lose major to win.

Meet you on the other side.

It is about position.

Yet the position that won, was driving the King out of position and into position.

Then what succeeded? The weakest pieces on the board, working together, supporting each other. That is what killed the king.

While the most powerful black pieces in knight and rook, held off the white queen and placed the bishop in jeopardy, this allowed the maneuvering.

Maneuver not caught in moving, overcomes position, overcomes power, overcomes even the invincible.

Just remember the sacred geometry.

Nuff  Said
