Saturday, August 5, 2023

The State of Tel Aviv


It was only a Kennedy holocaust

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is pleased that finally the exclusives on who was behind the JFK murder and RFK murder are being confirmed by outside sources. I will state "outside" with a caveat, as it was studying and listening to the work of Jim Marrs, investigative reporter, on Jeff Rense, with the reversals of David John Oates on the JFK assassination, which produced the conclusion that it was the guiding hand which set in motion the murder of John F. Kennedy.

John Kennedy was bad for global business. He had a knack for coming together to produce a failed outcome, in the extensions of the committee of the lords and the priests. All which had been set up in this complex to overthrow the world. he ran into loggerheads over the Dollar being sovereign to Soviet relations, so that when the Ashkejew whispered, their agents were readily finding willing participants whether it was Lyndon Johnson screwed over by the Kennedys and most likely set up by Mosaad benefators at the CIA Mockingbird to leverage his criminality into public light, to Dwight Eisenhower signing off on the assassination for the Sovietization of America to J. Edgar Hoover troubled by the problems of everything Kennedy mafia fighting to their bed activities.

What JFK's murder all came down to is Tel Aviv, demanded a nuclear bomb. JFK said no. The Ashkejew continued on with nuclear production, Kennedy threatened them like Robert Maxwell, and was eliminated, and Tel Aviv made certain everyone's hand were dirty so the cover up would come from Americans themselves.
After JFK was dead, Lyndon Johnson immediately had America loose weapon's grade uranium, which showed up in Tel Aviv for their first nuclear bombs.

The Nazi state of Tel Aviv was armed with nuclear bombs, after Frank Roosevelt destroyed Germany over nuclear bombs. The Lame Cherry does not use the term Nazi lightly. The Jewish state is the kibbutz, which are collective farms, collectives and national socialism which is the Jewish police state are defined by  the term Socialism. Tel Aviv runs national socialism, as their directors infiltrate world regimes to leverage terms which benefit the survival of the State of Tel Aviv.

JFK Threatened To Cut Off Relations With Israel
Over Dimona Inspections - Actual JFK Letter Is
Published - This Led To His Murder By Mossad
RFK Jr Is Apparently Clueless About Who Killed
His Uncle And His Father - A Rense Video

Jeff & Jim Marrs - On The Murder Of Michael Hastings
And Where America Was Going - This What We Were
Saying 10 Years Ago - Video

RFK Jr Deletes Tweet Praising Roger Waters,
Pledges Support For Israel And Joins Pro-Israel March

I do not know what pact that RFK II has made with the committee, but it exists. I know that the committee and their extensions in thee American police state have him dripping as many assets as January 6th had. RFK II is surrounded by operatives.

As this blog noted, in David John Oates reversals, the person who RFK II noted was his go to guy is Chuck Schumer, thee most conservative man in Congress and democratic leader. He is also Ashkenaz.
RFK II is going down the rabbit hole. I have not inquired if they intend to repeat Kennedy history after the defeat of Dictator Biden, but there are grave concerns in what is taking place in this as the last thing any of us needs in fractured America is another event which will Balkanize America by design.

Just making note of an exclusive and how it is now being confirmed.

Nuff Said
