Sunday, August 6, 2023

We are Living in Trump World

How many Trumps does it take to screw in a nuclear war light bulb

May 12, 2017 ... Trump signed a Congress-approved expansion of NATO over Russia's objections and his own campaign promises · What is NATO and why is it important?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading a Latin Catholic response to Donald the deserter Trump's stance on the Ukraine War, and it laid a good groundwork to understanding what Donald Trump inherited, from the Bush Clinton Era of DC breaking it's vows to Moscow in NATO would not expand, nor become a missile threat to Russia.

It was the Bush43 era with Dick Cheney who placed Patriot missiles into Europe which changed the balance of power in Europe and moved the Kremlin into a political reality that after mopping up London MI6 mischief in Chechnya, Kazakhstan, Kosovo and Syria, that Moscow would move to secure her borders from NATO threats, meaning Ukraine.

This though is about Donald Trump in his DIA pandering to the Pentagon, the cartel and arms manufacturers in the steps Trump undertook to end the last remaining sticks of stability between DC and Moscow.

Trump began expanding NATO. Trump moved US troops into Poland and hinted at a Fort Trump there. Trump with Big Gas, moved to shut off Russian natural gas sold to Europe, for depleting American reserves.

Jul 6, 2017 ... Trump's visit also strengthened Poland's defense. Wednesday night, the U.S. agreed to sell Patriot missile defense systems to Poland in a ...

Jun 12, 2019 ... It's not 'Fort Trump,' but a US division headquarters heading to Poland ... Poland won't be getting a U.S. base in its country any time soon, ...

Sep 24, 2019 ... Wrocław-Strachowice, in southwestern Poland, is to host the U.S. Air Force aerial port of debarkation, and Łask, in the country's central part, ...

Donald Trump was marching east his entire tenure at 1600 Penn Avenue. The Baltic reporbates of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia who were a part of Kiev's Russiagate, knew they had their man in DC with Donald Trump, as no matter what Trump said or Kiev Jews led in the impeachment of Donald Trump, the steps were being taken that Polish axis was being formed into an empire of NATO to fight a war with the Russian Federation.

Oct 15, 2021 ... For all the drama Trump brought to international relations, top ministers from Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania all told Newsweek that the 72-year ...

It was in the Trump era that Kazahkistan became a Russian problem to solve which Moscow did. Trump bombed Syria as Russian forces moved in to  defend another ally. Trump's DIA counter was a divided and looted Syria of oil with Turkey, while selling billions more in weapons to UAE and Saudi Arabia as expanded NATO nations. All of this was aimed at containment of Russia in circle and targeting Iran.

Jan 9, 2020 ... President Donald Trump on Thursday proposed expanding NATO's membership to include Middle Eastern nations in light of recent U.S. tensions ...

The Trump era ushered in new parameters to goad Russia into a defensive posture by Trump scrapping IMF treaties and demanding new terms from Moscow. This was all set up for what Joe Biden would receive in Ukraine Wars, in the final years of Donald Trump in the White House.

Oct 21, 2018 ... “I suspect our European allies right now are none too happy about hearing that President Trump intends to pull out of it,” he said. Why leave ...

Feb 2, 2019 ... The U.S. said it would reconsider its participation if Russia eliminates its new 9M729 cruise missile system. The EU countries and other allies ...

So Donald Trump once again MAGA promises, which he never kept, to end the war in Ukraine. His 4 years in office, in being the puppet to his appointments and being afraid of making peace with Russia due to his FBI political troubles, are what caused the Russian advance into Ukraine, because it was Donald Trump who sold anti tank weapons to the Nazi of Ukraine and it was Donald Trump who did not stop NATO from building a Maginot Line in Ukraine to destroy the Russian army.

Donald Trump's fingerprints are all over what it taking place in Ukraine. He did nothing but make things worse for four years. We have the Trump world which is leading to world war and Donald Trump is someone who in 2024 AD in the year of our Lord is going to do anything more than he did not do in four wasted years in the White House which Americans are paying dearly.

Remember it was Donald Trump who signed onto commerce open borders in flooding America with "legal workers" to replace Americans and the illegals pouring in with them. Ukraine is but another example of Trumps globalist corporate policy.

As the Lame Cherry wrote and predicted in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, :90% of America's problems will be solved with peace with Russia.: The Lame Cherry has been proven correct.

This is all moving to Donald Trump's delicious chocolate cake with the dictator of Peking, in a new State Department war with China, which Donald Trump has not addressed as he did nothing to stop this war from coming in his Trump Vax and Fauci Flu nonsense. Trump was going to make China pay........he never did, no more than he made Mexico pay for the border wall that he provided transportation around.

Just look around. This is Trump World. These are his Obama policies he kept from taxes to war on Americans.

You can support Donald Trump. You can vote for Donald Trump. You can lie to your flat world brain, but do not deny the facts of Deserter Don, because he is entering a world if the DIA installs him again over Pedo  Joe, that Trump will be pulling the red button trigger on WMD's against Eurasia, where Biden is still doing it proxy style.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
