Saturday, September 9, 2023

A Body Fix

 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

JYG is the one who came up with this solution.

Due to waiting on donations, a large gaping hole was evident on both sides of the vehicle which was eaten by road salt as some states eat cars up in more salt than snow on the roads in the winter.

What JYG suggested to plug the hole was using spray foam in a can. I tried it, built it up, left it sit for days, came back with sharp knife and cut it even, painted it with the same colour of spray paint, and it honestly does not look too bad.  

I hate rusted out vehicles. This at least is not costing thousands or requiring body puddy to fix. Not like a 30 year old vehicle needs expensive body work unless it is being restored.

This did work and I was impressed enough to share it.

Nuff Said
