Saturday, September 9, 2023



What the shit man, Roddenberry named us Nigger?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Most of you have a knowledge of the word, FERENGHI, as it was the name of a disgusting race of creatures on Star Trek.

The Lame Cherry is going to enlighten you as to the workings of the Jewish Hollywood machine as nothing happens by accident, as all is scripted.

Do you know where the word Ferenghi comes from?

It is from the Afghanistan people

In the Great Game, which genocided the French people, and bled the Russians in their quest to gain a warm water port, the British to keep the Curry Niggers of India enslaved after slaughtering them, marched off into the Khyber Pass to bring Sikh an Hindu rule to the Muslims of Afghanistan.

The Muslims upon seeing the worthless levies, noted that the well ordered British were the prop of their current dictator. The Muslims created a special word for these English foreigners, it was FERINGHEE.

The name is a condescending like the British term or Indians as Niggers is condescending.

What kind of interests me is who had the phobe for the English. Kind of really a twat FU as that prissy liberal Patrick Stewart is who Gene Roddenberry chose to number one the bad remakes that led to Star Trek boredom.
They put Pat in command and then continued on in really non woke racism in featuring the word Nigger in these Feringhi.
 I can't remember who was the borking Pat if it was that woman or that Afroid, as I never really watched this stuff that close. Point is Star Trek all needs to be edited and this racist shit.

Until then, here is a Ferenghee as defined by the Afghanistan people.

What we were told about the Ferengi and what we ended up with were like night and day. The Ferengi were going to be the new Klingons. They were never meant to be a comical race; they were meant to be ferocious and menacing. And unfortunately, they hired me to play one of the lead Ferengi, and I failed miserably.

My final performance was not at all what [Star TrekThe Next Generation creator] Gene Roddenberry wanted. By that point, he was rather sick, and he was not on set. But I met him briefly–maybe no more than 30 seconds–when he looked at my makeup and looked at my costume.

“The Last Outpost” was a disaster. And no one one bears the brunt of that mistake more than I do.

Nuff Said
