Thursday, September 14, 2023

A Cooler of Our very Own


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have always wanted a metal Coleman cooler. They were just Euclid's perfection in the 47th degree in pretty. I was though not paying 52 bucks for one. Damn thing is though no one ever sells them either, not unless they are no longer a cooler.

I would that the one we have now looked as good as the above, as I could paint it. It is not that the paint is bad on mine, it is that JYG puts things on his driveway pile, and he has like payloaders, skid steers, shears, trucks, crushers doing things and people throwing shit as hard as they can at just about anything, so things tend to get a work out.

JYG said he bunged this one up, which he did indeed do. I though got a Mantis roto tiller for 20 bucks and JYG threw in the bunged up Coleman for free. I also got a water spray nozzle he blew up that I fixed with Shoe Goo for free. Free is better even with bunged up stuff, as I see Coleman now charges 150 dollars for metal coolers. I ain't paying 52 dollars for a cooler no more than I'm paying 150 bucks for one.

JYG kind of bent this one around the lid, where it is supposed to be bent, and he bent the fastener too and he cracked the plastic so you can see the insulation.

So  I got out the Vice Grip, pounded a little, bent a little, and things were not going so good, so I returned for more pounding and bending and I got by God's Grace the lock to behave just like it was new.

Got a smaller vice grip and bent and frowned and got the other place it was bunged up to not being so bunged.

I'm at the point now that I have the remedy of Shoe Goo to make the plastic stuff behave and it will be an honest to goodness cooler. This thing is going to work and with a  little hose down, I finally have the cooler of my dreams. I can't do anything to this thing in using it, that will ever upset me because it has survived he maelstrom of JYG in heavy equipment bashing it around. I think it is going to be just perfect for me. The kind of cooler one takes into the End Times and laughs as they pull out ice cold beer, perhaps with fish slime on it, as I would relive times with Beloved Uncle where you kept the beer on ice where he kept the fish on ice. It was a silvery sheen experience. You just can not do things like that with a fancy pants 150 dollar cooler. You can't use Shoe Goo on a 150 dollar cooler. You can't get a hold of a 150 dollar cooler and like the results. That is the problem with new stuff. It is new. I like things with character and JYG has lots of character and he puts allot of character into the things I end up with. Not many things in life survive being batted around by a payloader. I have such a thing and you just know something like that is blessed. Wormwood and some nukes are not going to get me as I have a blessed cooler that survived the gauntlet. Yes I have lots of things that beat the odds while the rest ended up in a Chinaman smelter.

So that is the story. I also have a bottle cap opener on the ends by the handles. I don't know if  anything comes like that anymore, but I will try a twist dead brother had a Rapala bottle opener so something must still come like that, probably Miller beer as he took internal baths in that stuff.

Finally got my cooler, just in time for the End Times, nukes and Wormwood. Jesus comes by on his White horse and I will say, "Hey Jesus, have a Ginger Beer, before you go off slaughtering 200 million of your enemies in battle.". I will pop the cap on the cooler and tell  Him thanks for the cooler as  I really appreciated it.

Nuff Said
