Thursday, September 14, 2023

Another Junk Yard Treasure


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So we stopped by JYG's and Jimmy was there with his 3 wheel trike motorcycle and he popped a wheelie for us when he left. Man is a genius like JYG in being able to fix things and put things together, anything and everything.

I can't remember why we stopped, as I think it was just to stop, so we stopped and were talking to JYG about what I do not know and I thanked him for the roto tiller, Cherry Bomb I'm going to call it, as it destroys everything in it's path from weeds to concrete soil.

I think I was asking him about something else and he said, "Say you wouldn't want a smaller one I got over there to go between the rows would you?" As I had just been saying that along with TL, I said I would, so we walked over, and while it would not start, JYG was dumping gas in it, I was pulling the cord and it fired up.

All that was wrong with it was a cracked fuel line.

I asked him how much he wanted for it. He told me to check the gear box for grease before I used it, which I didn't, but will get that done as I was busy today, and he said 20 bucks. Then he joked 20 for labor. I said he was worth 20 for labor after he said others charged 150. I did not mean it as bad as I sounded, but he knows me, and for 20 bucks I see we got a 380 dollar Mantis roto tiller.

Now that I feel bad about all of this, I'm going to have to get him a case of pop. I think now I have like 1800 dollars in two tillers that I paid him 60 bucks for.

He knows though that we do not re sell things and this stuff is what we use and keep.

I never really wanted a Mantis until we got this one. I tried it out and TL was going between the onion rows on a second pass and that thing really will root around in soil. I might just use it as a trencher, will have to see.

Now we have a fire breathing Holy Ghost Inspired Cherry tiller and a JYG Mantis. I just can not believe the people who throw stuff away when all they have to do is put on a gas line.

As I was telling TL, JYG is good to us as we are out there usually twice a week to talk to him, and if he has some things he wants get rid of, he asks and I always take it or buy it. Sometimes it is old tires as I have room, or it is like today. This sweetheart of a man, I had mentioned on Saturday about needing a jack handle for a floor jack we fixed. What was laying out front by the street. A floor jack handle and a really nice one. He does pay attention to what we need and I'm super thankful for him doing that, but it is as I say, "I respect JYG. He is a genius in his creative field, as much as any Einstein. I like him a great deal and we are always getting things from him. Like last time I helped carry a grandfather clock into his porch that just got dropped off. We got a pile of stuff, and JYG said we could have it, but we paid him 20 bucks as he said he is not going to refuse our money, but it is worth it. He evens things out, and I got a jack handle, and a Coleman cooler today. Last time it was tomato cages in a big pile of them. I think he felt bad as some guy stopped by and was going to take a couple. He took all the heavy ones, but 3. We give JYG cherry tomatoes as he loves certain he was thinking, "Yeah that other guy took all those cages and these people give me tomatoes and only got 3".

So I have to pick him up a case of pop for this tiller as a thank you.

Now we have a between the rows tiller, thanks to God and His JYG.

Nuff Said.
