Wednesday, September 13, 2023

D Day Vax


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Today is the day that the neo booster is to be injected into millions of Americans for the fall season.

There really can not be any more damage to people who have been mRNA altered in their DNA.

I'm not going to beat the drums on what the damage has been, but explore some realities which have now been confirmed in this spike protein. We know that people were having problems with iron build up in their bodies.

What I'm going to share is not a cure, but a treatment. See in your body there is a balance in minerals and vitamins. If something knocks this out of balance, in this bio weapon, then there are things in nature which can help treat that imbalance. It must be understood though that taking too much of something to try and offset a high iron toxicity, can also be toxic.

In the chart below, and this site has links to the interactions and antagonisms of various elements which fuel your body.

One of the neutralizers of iron is copper. As you can see by the above chart, things that neutralize iron can be quite toxic, like lead and mercury. Zinc comes into play, but I think that zinc also works against copper, so taking zinc in larger quantities would work against the copper which is working to neutralize copper.

For vitamins, B 12, D and E are the primary neutralizers. B 12 tends to work on an empty stomach better. D is the sunshine, and E is wonderful, but if you take too much E in, you can get what seem like dark shadow spots in your eyes.

As I have stated this is not a cure. The prion does not have a cure, that is why it was chosen in the delivery system. It can be treated and I do believe that good people who are Protestant Christians have a better resistance to this condition in arresting it, but all things must work together for them that love the Lord.

Iron toxicity is only one part of this. It does not seem that everyone has iron toxicity, no more than everyone has VAIDS or VANCERS.  This platform is quite diverse.

I'm only posting things to discuss as public information. Some people have theorized or attempted prion treatments with thing we are not familiar with.

The idea is to put DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) in your drinking water a couple of drops per liter to inactivate prions. Dimethyl sulfoxide is found in nature and in rainwater and is quite safe. I also drink it regularly. What DMSO does is in very low concentration (higher might be more effective), it deactivates prions. However when DMSO is no longer there, the prions is again activated.

Another compound in potassium thiocyanate. I'm not advocating any of this on the prion neutralization therapy, but it is what is being examined. Again it is small amounts and it is not bathing in the stuff like the Bidens or chugging things like the Trumps. In the data listed, for Mad Cow, this stuff only arrests, it does not cure, it is suggested it suppresses prion replication.

All of this is for more research and examination. The neo booster is here, and people are going to be having millions of gallons of this injected by the end of this year. If the predictions are correct, there should be a spike in ailments and deaths in the last quarter of this year. At present, the trend in the Brier is old people in the 80 to 90 year old range are dying here. Yes they are old so they might be dead anyway, but I'm seeing a sprinkling of women in the 50 to 60 year old range who are dying unexpectedly as the clots are returning.

There are not cures. There may be treatments though in prolonging life, at least in the iron toxicity.

Nuff Said
