Sunday, September 10, 2023

Carbon Scarring

This is really a great gay date Bob, our beards
will never suspect a thing.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 Make sure those insulators you found have no carbon scarring. They are pretty useless if they have experienced an arc, at least at rated voltage 

Ah, hence the throwing out the baby with the bathwater approach, like the 10 boxes of "wet" galvanized staples JYG and I retrieved.

As I have a pile of piles of stuff now, a grill and I forget what all, I have refrained as of last week in visiting the dumpster as an anal employee pulled up, and started telling me I looked suspicious.

Yes of course I do with a magnet in my hand, picking up washers out of a junk pile.

When informed of that, he was most confused as to what washers were.

That confused me.

After offending me to wrath of hell from God levels, he then told me I was ok, and that I could get into the dumpster from the back. I ignored him and we went on our way.

This is the same electric company that I actually wrote to months ago, asking about salvaging wood poles, but got no reply. They must like spending consumers money on dumpsters..........

Ah there is that thing though underlying all of this....

I have spotted mattresses in there,  beer and booze, clothes, kids let us just clarify that the big shots at the company are dumping things they can not get the sanitation workers or the landfill to accept and charging the consumers for it.

I will check the carbon scarring again, but my toys tended to  be new things which .........shall we say were "thrown away", as the guy who was bothering us, happened to say something like "I don't know if the people who have the dumpster use the metal for salvage weight. sounds more like me that someone is getting a kickback or someone was bitching that all the copper and aluminum wire was not in the dumpster so those tossing it could later pick it up and sell it.
That was not me though, because except for the washers and bolts I never touched the salvage items as dealing with JYG, I fully know what is of value and what is not. There is quite allot of money to be made off of metals and a few tons adds up quickly.

Perhaps this bothersome turd will die from being electrocuted, a pole falling on them, or as they were a big boy, he was vaxed and will succumb to a clot or a cancer.

I will by then have piles of stuff to rummage through as the world death rate will be peaking.

OK as I know someone will ask about this carbon stuff.

The accumulation of the nitric acid and micro-arcing within it create carbon tracks across insulating materials. Corona can also contribute to the chemical soup destruction of insulating cements on insulators resulting in internal flash-overs.

A sizzling audible sound, ozone, nitric acid (in the presence of moisture in the air) that accumulates as a white or dirty powder

Mar 12, 2009 ... Glen Campbell - Wichita Lineman (Live Goodtime Hour) · Comments1.5K.

Nuff Said

