Saturday, September 9, 2023

The Russian Teeth


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry endeavors to teach you things, from thinking to teaching you about stories you here and no one is explaining things to you. In this, we are going to examine Russian defenses in Ukraine. It is interesting in the Russian concept is the German Nazi created defensive lines of World War II.

There really is not a great deal to defensive lines, as their focus is to slow the enemy, reduce the enemy numbers, stop the enemy advance and then wipe out the enemy forces.

For offense, the strategy is to make contact with the line of defense, blow holes in it, establish flanking actions in the enemy's rear, and to continue the advance through the gap.

All of this sounds easy, and it is. The reality though of the Russian lines is they follow either existing terrain which directs attack flow, using canals or trenches dug.

During the Kherson operation, irrigation canals were used as primary fortifications, while in the Zaporizhzhia direction, Russian engineer forces showed their expertise in digging deep and effective trenches. Along this section of the front, the Russian Armed Forces were able to implement this concept at a total depth of up to 70 kilometers (km)

The Russian utilized a mesh system, much like America's attack method is an overlapping use of a mesh of different systems. In the above photo, you can see these concrete barriers. You can see a rise in the ground behind these barriers. That is man made barriers melding with natural barriers. Into this, will be mine fields and other traps, which then mesh with a rather sophisticated air attack

Meet you on the other side.

Dragon's teeth – sometimes also referred to as "devil's teeth" in the Western press – are anti-tank pyramid-shaped concrete defense obstacles. The height of one "tooth" is from 90 to 120 cm (around 4 feet).

Dragon's teeth are not a fence, they are a special anti-tank trap: they don't just hinder the enemy tanks' raid, but create the illusion that this obstacle is easy to overcome. If the dragon's teeth are made and installed correctly, the enemy tanks, having overcome the first line of concrete defenses, will not be able to move either forward or backward. They will get stuck and become an easy target for artillery and other anti-tank weapons.

All of these Russian trenches flow to form not just a defensive line, but an attack formation. The Lame Cherry has published satellite images of Russian lines, and some of them look very odd to an unskilled eye. The Russian will have a heavy trench line running like this --- ---------- --- and then in back of this, sometimes you will witness 5 rows of trenches running vertical like this |||||||||| ||||| ||. One would think that this would allow the Nazi to shoot down into the Russian trenches, but you must be aware of what the Russian idea is being presented. Russia has defenses in the front which are designed to be penetrated so Kiev uses all of its forces up.

Picture in you mine, you are on sidewalk and you are stepping over the natural cracks there and this is wonderful for your advance. You get to the street corner and try to cross, but what is there as you walk straight ahead? Two more streets on your sides where cars will hit you.

See once the Ukraine columns breach the line, they are moving in a concentrated spear. How do you stop this concentration? You put depths of 5 trenches on each side, so you are not firing at the head of the spear, but you are firing into the broadside of the column. If the Nazi attempt to wheel on their flankers, they stop bunch up and are shot.

Meet you on the other side. 

Western think tanks name these fortifications as the most extensive defensive works in Europe since the Second World War. The Russian defenses consist of a network of trenches, minefields, razor wire, metal anti-tank barricades known as "hedgehogs", the now-famous dragon’s teeth, and artillery positions

This then brings us to the closing paragraph in teaching you. Russia has figured out how long and when to launch their fighter jets. They fly in 3's at 25 minute intervals. One jet can destroy an immense number of targets.

By using 25 minute delays, one Russian pod can fly to defend their positions for an additional two hours in overlap in the kill zone, set up by the trenches.

Once the Nazi move out of the kill zone and their structures to attack and defend are neutralized, then Russia hunts these broken columns with helicopters from around 10 miles away. What then follows is the coup de grace in cheaper unguided missiles hitting the remaining armour and blowing troops to death who are hiding under cover.


the Russian High Command had to decide whether to redirect the group in the air or mobilize the group placed on alert. In this, the first two to three pairs of fighters flew toward the defensive zone in 10- to 15-minute intervals. The interval was then increased to around 25 minutes, and maneuvers continued for almost two hours, when a number of Ukrainian columns had been destroyed or dispersed from the kill zone (, accessed August 14). Then, up to five pairs of attack helicopters were used to provide consistent fire on Ukraine’s columns, with an average flight time of 35 minutes. Detection of Ukrainian forces by Ka-52 and Mi-28 helicopters through improved sighting systems was achieved at a range of 10 km. Additionally, Vikhr-1 anti-tank guided missiles were launched by the Ka-52s at a range of 9 km, with the missiles being guided by the helicopters’ navigators right up until they hit their targets. In this case, attack aviation was redirected to areas where Ukrainian units had been stooped by the initial onslaught. The successive air strikes were then carried out with unguided rockets, covering not only the stopped columns but also nearby wooded areas where other troops might be hiding.

Since June, Kiev has been using American armour attacks and were wiped out. They then tried infantry attacks as Wagner used, and Russia wiped them out too. Zellinskyy has butchered 66,000 Slavic Christians since June.

The last attempt by Ukraine at Robotyne was another Russian ruse of making Ukraine concentrate their forces, according to American directions again, letting the Nazi die on the field and use up resources, and after about 2 weeks, the tanks of Kiev appeared again, Russia killed them and then started the process of encirclement in making this salient a kill zone for Ukraine.

The Kiev strategy is to use up Russian munitions and will to fight by the slaughter of what will be 900,000 Christian Slavs by next year, in Russia will be using oil and wheat money to fund this slaughter, which is projected in the long run to weaken Russia in the psychology of war, in the way Vietnam and Bush Wars left a bad taste in American's mouths.

Ukraine can not defeat Russian lines in what it is engaged in, as this is about using up Russian resources and will. This was attempted in Vietnam. It failed.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
