Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Continents of Woe


This started in Genesis...........with an antigod and faggot too.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was interested in the Rense program featuring Dick Allgire trying to extract donations from people for his information, as in most cases he has been threatened to keep his information from the public, but this time he mentioned a 90 to 180 day window for something his team had been picking up, and warned off of putting their name on a main event.

What follows is a Lame Cherry exclusive inquiry into the matrix. To tell you what else I did today, the big GMC truck is refusing to turn the front hub. I blew a hose on the tractor loader, moved shit around and was told that I can not get hay from who I thought I could to feed the cattle. It was a crappy day, lots of fatigue and yet in trying to get donations, I get to do something that none of you have the slightest levels of energy to do or would even begin to know how to do.

I will repeat for the regime agencies who appeared before, this is not me reporting on the target. This is Allgire's group. All I'm doing is touching the combined thought of what is the matrix, in the certainty of the past, the forming of the present and the variables for the future, based upon God's overlord design.

There is something in the matrix which Allgire's people were reached out and touched. It was big. They have by focusing on the matrix have enhanced this future scenario in forming to a greater variable.

I will remind my children and my brats again that in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, that Allgire was hitting quite perfectly from April to about late summer, with his big event. Some popular girl became involved and changed the time line. The RV'ers pretty much disappeared after this, as their data reading was corrupted like when Obama's folk disrupted the matrix for the Birther with Sandy Hook.

The RVers are back now, slightly off in some information, but the read of the matrix flow appears like Cliff High to be no longer disrupted, because the cartel desires these events, and instead of hiding them in corrupted data flow, the projection is appearing.

So this "read" is off of their focal point which is being strengthened.

As I can comprehend a Biblical return of Christ in these events, I'm all for it, and I promised God I would not change time lines again.

I feel something, as that is how this works, in you do not primarily see or hear, but you feel the emotions. The remote viewer, Richard Allgire feels the seasons to pinpoint dates. I feel in this ........ I think now it is the remote viewers. If you do not remember the Star Trek episode with Sally Kellerman and Gary Lockwood, where the Enterprise goes where a starship years ago has been swept out of the galaxy and Spoc is listening to the logs of that ship. The information comes fast, in bits and pieces, they crew is confused, orders, counter orders, searches for ESP (certain crew members were enhanced with ESP), that is the feel I get in this, a search, anxiety, information, searching, not finding answers, wondering what is evolving.  Where no man has gone before.

Watch that part with Spoc, that is what I feel in all of this. I don't know if it is everyone bewildered like the signature before 9 11 and what happened after, or if just the remote viewers......I do not get that from Pyongyang. There is no motion at all really. Just a deliberate, computerlike projection of this is the advantage to be taken of.

North Korea is not the center of this........I will explain. I was inquiring, searching the matrix and I was asking about nuclear weapons as that is what Jeff Rense was talking about, and Dick Allgire was eluding to, to get people to sign up on his site. I'm not picking this up. That confused me. I picked up North Korea and then that island which I explain below. I kept looking for islands and none came up which made no sense as there was an island, as the information evolved, it becomes an understandable web, a scenario, or events linking together.

What I ascertained from the remote viewers was they were not targeting a main event, but picking up other events which were spiking and seemed to be coming from a main event. I think as I'm still inquiring is the structure is the balkanizing of the world to fracture it, in each sphere of influence will have it's major problemss, all connects, to the great deception main event.

That explanation, the flash read appears in what I do. I rarely remote view, but I did view the figureheads of North Korea as they are center to event there which will generate. So I "saw" and "felt" things from their focal point.

North Korea - I feel the Kim's, Un's stand in and Jong. No emotion. See a tunnel with lights. Feeling is cold. They are there.

Something about a manmade island. H bomb, flooding South Korea and  Japan. Securing their position while the United States is down.

War in Mideast. Tel Aviv against the Muslims. Gaza, Damascus rubble. There will be nukes in this theater. Last days. Temple built after.

Satellites down. Cripples America and Europe. The power grid in America does not go down. Says it is a solar flare. Something else though about it.

England detonates warheads. The matrix is pointing to wiping out Russian fleet. Russia has already wiped out the English ships, ,but with conventional weapons. Russia does not respond with nukes.

No miniature nukes in Ukraine. None from Russia.

Earthquakes in South America into Mexico, big 9 +.This is their trouble.

Africa, massive famine, heat.

Antarctica, ice break up, it moves.

Asia, China, Indochina, India have flooding. India has heat and famine. China is shortages.  There is an Asian plague, not in India.

Plague will be like TB, lung degeneration, coughing up blood, tissue.

During these things, the son of perdition should appear in Europe. A time of a false peace will ensue, two moons. Then greater events will pile upon greater events.

The son of perdition will stand against, he will say, the force from outside who shut things down. There will not be a return of the internet. The star children account will be promoted in the great deception.

This is the rough projection line in things which generated based on what the RVers have disrupted 

Just to be clear, Allgire stated 90 days. That does not mean this starts in 90 days. His projects were based on seasons, for the Lame Cherry explanation, this clock starts ticking on the clock instituted in the new year advent at the start of autumn. So the period is that annum September 21 to Temple rededication December 21, which includes every last High Day for Christ to fulfill. I am not stating that Jesus is coming back in this period this year. I'm informing you this is the period of time of Allgire's feeling in this projection point of autumn. The Christ dates appear later in this sequence of years.

I'm tired, this is enough to drain me without recouperation. If these RV'ers have come across an eruption point in the matrix, the focus on it, is now enhancing it, providing a more definitive probabilty of generating to focal point to produce a historical narrative, instead of a scenario which just passes away or perhaps regenerates again.

This is not the Prophetess saying these things. This is me in the Gifts sensing and flash reading this bubble which is generating which was picked up by others.

Nuff Said

agtG123 262 311 2

Probability is 80% affirmative 20% negative

May 21, 2011 ... The Grass Roots are a U.S. rock band that charted between 1966 and 1975 as the brainchild of songwriting duo P. F. Sloan and Steve Barri.