Wednesday, September 20, 2023

When the parrot Died

Of course it's funny, we're English. Destroying Americans
is a royal comedy.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly do not know if I just grew up or Peter Hathaway Capstick just grew into a cliche, as I was reading the book he was blundering through when he died and his African skirt finished up in an abysmal mess, because this Robert Ruark parrot just was really bad writing.

It was not the clumsy nature, but the African snob that came out in all of it's kiss ass General Norman Schwartzkopf and being African observers in blaming the Branch Davidians at Waco for that little mass murder set up by Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton, that drove that old lesbian, Janer Reno nuts.

Capstick is as out of touch with America as he is mind blind in his African throne. His trying though to equate the fear a combat Soldier has for someone who shoots animals that bite back is a bit of an eye roller. Last time I checked, lions do not fly B 52's and fire JDAMS at 15 miles blowing the unsuspecting to bits on the ground. Is always the problem with sermonizing in foreign locations like Obama did in trying to be more of a man than you are.

Odd in this story of an old man like Rush Limbaugh who simply outlived his days, in the first time I read about the culinary delights of eating on people was Capstick. I think he was introducing Sir Samuel Baker who tried Nig ass steak and liked it, as he got some cut off a cannibal.

Ass steak ala Negoid was well marbled according to this Englishman. I would have thought it like beaver tail, in getting a view of the big asses on Afroids in America, who were the beneficiaries of the slave breeding program.

Capstick was again talking about Englishmen in Africa in this skirt finished volume and in this rendition was more concise. It seemed a Negro who was employed in the King's African Rifles enjoyed eating people and as some African terrorists as branded by King Ed were in need of being shown the tax benefits of being subjects of London, the cannibal having full authority went out and killed some of these terrorists.and cut off their hands, which he had in his belt. The story was that while the ass steak off of young African girls was prime cut, the real deal was the finger chops off of human hands.

I simply never would have thought of that human fingers were the same as chicken wings in being a delicacy. Obviously these English have tainted all of our thinking, as you remember Jody Foster, the lesbian in Silence of the Lambs, where English guy Sir Anthony Hopkins, was playing Hannibal Lecter, who like eating human liver and fava beans.

I have eaten enough fish to know that beans and fish do not go together. The fish tastes like fish and the beans taste like fish. Put liver on the plate with beans and you got the same thing going on. Is why you have onions to cover up that liver stench. Main point is, if Hannibal Lecter was a culinary pro like this Negro in Africa, Hannibal would have been watching soccer and having finger fillets, instead of chicken wings.

Now Capstick likes salting this stuff in for shock value, and it worked sort of the first time, but he got to be one big cliche. There are only so many cliches you can put on a page before it all becomes cliche. Not much more cliche than being a fat old snob in Africa writing about an Englishman and interjecting yourself as the main character.

Got to wonder about someone who spots a passage about eating people and makes sure it gets into your book for hire, because you have nothing in writing skills once the parrot in you dies.

Nuff Said
