Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Cosmetic Hiding of Rusty Fenders.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Because people with money forget to donate as they should, the poor orphan girl has to come up with fixes of  things as I do not like driving around in rusty vehicles. That is one thing that I really detest are rusted out vehicles.

In our area, we get a number of out of state vehicles where they put down more salt than there is snow. I will never buy them, but when you are poor and you need a vehicle, you take what comes at an affordable price as busting snow with my 97 GMC really beat the hell out of it and made me constantly worried about being stuck.

This pick up has lots of rust on it. I have never seen rust eat through metal panels and bumpers like this. We actually had to remove the bumper which was a real chore in frozen bolts, because it was rusted through.

Anyway, I stopped Nice Steve, that is not Old Steve who is a real son of a bitch now and Black Steve is dead, and I asked him about the fender walls he had on his Dodge as it looked nice, and I see this stuff around here.

He took it to a body I do not have a thousand dollars to pay them with all the missing rich donors I looked around online and finally found some generic Ford fenders which were black. JYG had given me red ones, but they were orange red and more important they did not really fit, so I brought them back so he could sell them to someone else.

I think these were around 100 bucks. I know the black trim was around 60. They came with bolts and security bolts, but or the front fenders I would have had to have taken off the plastic inside protection and that looked like a dirty nightmare so, enter the drill with metal screws, and they do not give that shit away anymore either.

I pre drilled......kind if EFFED it up on the first one as Ford fenders all taper so it pulled the first one up so I could see the chrome yet..........big deal, but I did better on the rest of them. The above was the second one I did.

It makes the pick up look beasty. This one is jacked up as that is what was going on in 92 AD in the year of our Lord. Poor people can't be choosy, but I like it better than not having a pick up at all.
Richard and Stephanie have the kind of Ford I like. This 92 is square, but Ford followed with a pretty stream lined addition for a number of years, and that is just pretty. Then they went to these block shaped things that you need a step ladder to see in the box........don't much like them at all.

I did get some black plastic side trim..of course is Chinese. It has adhesive......sticks half assed. It has runny fluid in a tube to make things stick, which it now is, but I suspect I will have to screw it onto the rusty parts, as it is on there to hide that shit.

I did spay paint with some silver like paint and if you do not look to study it, the pick up at a glance looks pretty good.

If the Tractor Whisperer would get his brother's pick up running as he promised, I could get that from him and have something that would be something to not worry so much about it. He though like vaxed people says one thing and then gets attached to things so there the rusty vehicle sits and I'm not getting it.

Anyway that is the fix it lesson, due to people with money not donating.

I just would like to get something and not have to spend 6 months fixing the thing up. I'm not JYG in having the aptitude of spending weeks fixing on a skid steer. I admire him as he is remarkable in the list of things he has done so far.......on something he fixed a few years ago for someone else.

Putting bolts into a transmission.

Grease in the transmission.

Drilling a hole for a bolt to stabilize the transmission knuckles.

Mining a ton of sludge and shit out of the bottom of a skid steer as it was never cleaned.

Fixing the starter.

Draining dirty fuel tanks and lines.

Putting on an electric fuel pump.

Putting on dual exhaust.

Replacing hydraulic seals


Replacing hoses

Replacing zerks

Patching the radiator.

Building a radiator guard.

Replacing a broken lifter valve rod.

Transferring hand control to foot control. (He is a genius.)

I would rather just get on something and have it run. JYG and Tractor Whisperer are really into taking stuff that other people have junked and most cases looks like junk.

I still have a few things to do on the pick up featured above. We are on the downhill slide now and things that I actually know about, instead of having by God's Grace to get things right the first time in unknown territory.

As people with money don't like driving around with things that look like a piece of shit and buy new......hey I don't like driving around in rusted out shit either.

Nuff Said
