Wednesday, September 13, 2023

LED Spinach


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm thankful to NS and to others who share their experiences and insights, as that is what this post is about in food growing.

Two years ago, JYG tore off several storms doors, which was the roof of his porch for us. We helped him replace the ones he got for us, but they were supposed to be cold frames which I have not got around to building yet. I always theorized that a solar panel would probably produce enough electricity to store in a batter to run a 100 Watt bulb, definitely for LED, but the point of this was for heat, and the heat would be retained with insulation.

I have written in the archives, the English model of using raw manure to generate heat, and they did grow vines very well in the cold of England, but that is not the cold of North America.

Of course, if you have hydroponics (remember that you are what you eat and if you use flavored nutrients like fish emulsion your plants will taste like fish.) or if you have a growing medium, you can grow plants inside.

It is a real achievement what NS has accomplished in the Lord's blessing in growing cold weather crops in spinach, broc and radishes.

You can grow some mammoth size fall radishes.

  Spinach does well at 50 to 60 °F. I am having blessings with radishes and broccoli using an Amazon acquired led grow light. Wasn't the cheapest and it does produce some heat. 425Watts but requires 120Vac. i should study its dc input 

Light is though key, as without light, your plants get leggy and fall over. That was my main heartache as a child as this house we are in, finds ways to kill plants. At my Grandpa's, I can just sit things in the window and they flourish.

Hopefully I will have time to make our cold frames. The problems I had previously in spring and summer, was the dirt dries out so bad here. You do have to water just like an outside garden. This of course is different if you just have short season cold crops in the spring and fall, as the soil does not have time to dry out.

At this point I started looking at the high watt LED lights as I have never bothered looking at them. They run from 150 on Amazon to 350 at Tractor Supply. They do work. I'm still a dinosaur on LED's as I have experiences with flashlights, being blinded by after stock car lights and the security light on Grandpa's has just two lights which are not that big, but they are extremely hi lume. For cold crops as NS experienced, the LED's would be fitting as one does not want warm temperatures as these crops produce the best in what would be spring like temperatures.

Praying that things work out here in what I need worked out, so I can work on a like system that NS shared. I will get this done. Just would like it done before things meltdown like the original project NS was warning me about in high voltage insulators can arc electricity. I need NICAD wire for that though small gauge, as that is what the guy told me years ago, as I though thick wire would be better, but he explained lighter gauge wire heated up better. Make sense as heat is from jammed up flow and if you have big wires or cables, things do not jam up as much, you never see high transmission lines glowing red from heat.

Nuff Said
