Saturday, September 16, 2023

Pyongyang's Pawn Becomes Queen


I once saw this in a movie that my father directed. We will fight America in Ukraine
to defeat the rancid ass District of Criminal Nazi warmongers and electric car drivers.
It was entitled, "Mad Max Beyond Pyongyangdome"

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In an interesting turn of events, Pyongyang has agreed to sending half a million North Korean troops to Ukraine as fodder for US and NATO arms. If you require a translation in this, DC and NATO were using Ukraine to slaughter off Russians and use up Russian oil money, but now, Russia has moved a checkmate maneuver again in North Korea is in exchange for Russian goods, sending half a million soldiers to Ukraine, along with their advanced GPS HIMARS system with a range of 300 to 600 kilometers, which trumps what America and England have been killing Russians with.

It will require a huge amount of US munitions, already in non existent supply to kill half a million North Koreans. North Koreans are acclimated to cold winter temperatures and they will serve their purpose as Kim John Un's stand in can not feed them, so what better way to safeguard Pyongyang from America, than to fight America in Ukraine and destroy the United States via Kiev.

N Korea To Send 300,000 To 500,000 Troops
To Assist Russia In War With US And NATO

General Armageddon (Surovikin) Is Back And
Ready For Action - Latest US-NATO War On Russia
...Military Summary And Analysis

Kiev Orders Closure Of Christian Churches

We are gearing up for an Orthodox war against the godless Kiev regime which is beginning to prey on itself. The closing of Christian Churches in Kiev is what this religious war is about by the Ashkejew minority dictating control.

With the return of General Armageddon, the war in Ukraine is going to move from defensive to what the Russian military excels at behind defense, and that is obliterating to rubble the enemy. One only has to look at the map, to understand that the fate of Odessa and all other Nazi strongholds and yes this means Kiev, will be rubble.

Jeff Rense has asked why the power was still on in Ukraine. That situation is going to change, and I would project just as Stalin unleashed the Asian rape cock on Slavics and Germans in mass rape, that this is what the terror issue will be in Ukraine. North Koreans will rape their way across the Nazi landscape.

With the assassination of the Wagner leadership, and their prison corp being assimilated into the Russian military, this North Korean phase will break the West as they do not have the munitions to kill half a million North Koreans. This is brilliant Moscow strategy in this gambit and is brilliant as the Russians have waged this war against NATO with the utmost astuteness.  

Wagner destroyed the NATO Maginot Line. The Russian military has obliterated the Ukrainian army. Now the North Koreans will be unleashed. I honestly could see a Russian offering of freedom and 160 acres to any North Korean who finishes off this war in Ukrainian farmland. Give them an objective an the Koreans will go scorched earth. They already are eating each other, so eating some Nazis is going to turn the tables on this, as Kiev sells body parts. Pyongyang eats body parts.

Russia now has fodder which it will use to destroy what is left of NATO munitions. All NATO has is super weapons, but Russia is not going to offer a platform for this to take place.

When there is only satanic godless pedophiles in the West and Ukraine is anti Christian, God is not going to win wars for you, and when Moscow is the Christian people praying to God, then God is certainly not going to hinder what Meshech and Tubal are warring against.

Am most interested in how Madam Kim's hordes work their wares in Ukraine. If you need a gas tan analogy, America and NATO only have nuclear and Star Wars fuel left in their tanks. Russia has a full tank, but just found a fuel depot out of Pyongyang to win decisively in a conventional war in Ukraine.

Whispers* Do not think that China is not contemplating how to keep this war shifted to it's west and not having to fight the warmongers of the Pentagon in their east.

Oh say can you see
I'm the hot child in the city
Fighting wars and looking pretty

Nuff Said

