Thursday, September 21, 2023

Donald Trump in Zero Dimension Chess


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Donald the deserter Trump has been busy in meddling in foreign policy in Europe, with nothing but a repeat of his stagnant 2016 fostered regime. Trump had an idea of making Europe pay more, and that he could get Putin to do what Trump want.

Pravda featured Donald Trump recently though and rebuffed Donald Trump, meaning the Kremlin just informed Donald Trump that his ideas for Ukraine Peace are as much a non starter as the ramblings of the Germans in Berlin now talking about peace.

In short, the Kremlin, get this point, this is not just Vladimir Putin, this thee entire Russian security apparatus, including the political, military and intelligence, is stating with one voice, that peace in Ukraine is not going to come, until this dwarf Zellinskyy, the instigator of the Slavic Holocaust which has now murdered over 500,000 Christian Slavs and wounded over 1.3 million Ukrainian Christian Slavic men, until America and NATO remove Zellinskyy. Remember that this regime was installed in Kiev by the Kaganites in America, better known as neocons, and this is Victoria Nuland and Anthony Blinken taking point.

Zellinskyy is such a putrid creature now, that the Kremlin will not dignify any interaction with him. Zellinskyy is in deep trouble as his latest plunge has been in the roll of Cassius in knifing all of the Kiev military and security people, blaming them for the disaster of the Ukraine offensive. Removing Kiev leadership as scapegoats for NATO machinations is not going to fix any of this, as we know exactly now what Russia will only expect. Russia has had 50,000 of it's Soldiers murdered by Nazi's in Kiev. Russia wants this pariah metro dictatorship gone. If Russia wants to really piss on this, it can level Kiev an drive Zellinskyy to a hovel in the west.

There is a reality in this as General Armageddon has returned, and his order of battle is to flatten cities. Odessa is going to become rubble and the next vista will be Kiev.

So Donald the deserter Trump can expose what a naive foreign policy position he has just uttered. Russia is going to keep grinding Ukraine into a toxic NATO depleted uranium scorched earth as Russia wants a buffer from a new NATO which Russia has stated it demands. NATO must be rolled back to foreign borders. NATO must remove America from Europe and America must remove nuclear missiles from Europe.

Meet you on the other side.

Trump will have to change the Zelensky regime or Russia will replace him

Trump is mistaken in thinking about reaching an agreement with the Kyiv regime. This is impossible, because Ukraine, has been pursuing anti-Russian and Russophobic policies under all presidents, after gaining independence. All those policies evolved into Russia's special military operation.

The death of thousands and thousands Ukrainians was part of the "anti-Russia" project from the very start. One can stop all this by replacing Zelensky with someone else who will look for peace and development rather than destruction in the proxy war of the West against Russia.

There is not going to be anything easy in this. Russia is going to humiliate the West and it's characters from Finland to the United States. Donald Trump or anyone else is going to become Neville Chamberlain in handing all Russia desires for security to Russia.

Russia is not going to be stupid in over extending and invading Europe. Russia will position itself like Hitler did in being awarded territory for peace. So all of this is going to be on Russian terms. If Russia does not get her terms, she can afford to grind Ukraine out and extend this to problem extensions in Latin America and Africa for America, and Muslim problems in Europe to leverage this.

Donald Trump does not have the answers for Ukraine, any more than Biden's holocaust of Christians in Ukraine.

American policy has been hijacked from the astute principles of Ronald Reagan. Russia has been forced to knowing America and Europe are not honest brokers. This damage is not going to be undone. Things will only become more degraded as the cartel intends as this goes to a continental scale of more problems for all.

The people who caused the problems are not going to solve this and the Donald Trump's are ignorant and without anything Russia will agree to. We all must understand this as Moscow does, as peace will not come now without Moscow being appeased.

Nuff Said
