Thursday, September 21, 2023

The 24,000 dollar water heat in your future

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As Dictator Biden has said you can't have light bulbs, his Department of Energy Gender has now issued mandates that in order for you to have a hot shower, your water heater will have to be something out of Star Trek and it will cost as much as these fraud electric cars.

The proposal would require the most common-sized electric water heaters to achieve efficiency gains with heat pump technology and gas-fired water heaters to achieve efficiency gains through condensing technology.

Heat pump technology? That is what heats and cools homes in areas where it is not 100 degrees in summer or 20 below in winter as there is no longer cool in hot air or warm in cold air in those temperatures. What people in Fargo or Tuscon will do is not stated to get hot water, but the mandate says a heat pump which is going to make a water heater big as it is, plus a heat pump, and turn a gas water heater into something triple the size in how Obama coal fired plants dropped emissions.

The suggestion would be that people probably should like light bulbs, if they can afford it, look into getting water heaters. As a heater lasts about 10 years, you can figure out how many you would need.

This goes into effect in 2029, and you notice it is for most common sized heaters..........that means the kind you buy, not the kind of boilers that the rich people have for their 100 Biden mansions or the boilers in million dollar apartments that government officials retire to.

See this is the old scam of the elite writing themselves out of high costs. They ride their own jets and make you pay a fortune for a ticket. Same with light bulbs and now it is coming to water heaters.

These genders are a menace to civilization. These is no threat from carbon. The threat they are after are the masses of people, to so degrade them that they die off from all the trauma being inflicted on them.

How many invalids and old people do you think this is going to kill of with ice cold showers in the winter? All of them.

Death by the DOE.

There is no place in the Constitution that allows Congress to delegate dictatorial powers to anything. There is no place in the Constitution which allows the regime in Washington City to mandate anything on manufacturers or consumers from light bulbs to denying you the liberty of a hot shower.

Nuff Said

