Friday, September 22, 2023


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For most of you people, you are quite wealthy in having sucked the life of the poor in this Babylon system which has prospered you, and in fact is your eternal reward as you have mismanaged the money God has provided to you.

I'm done with scolding, chastising and whatever else in educating you of the curse you are wed to. What my Holy Ghost Bible reading is on the requirements of every person, to support the Work of God that others are engaged in, and I mean the real Work of God, not the preening of, "I give to the Nigs of Africa so look at me in how important I am as an exotic conversation piece".

The Gospel has been in Africa for hundreds of years. They were taught the necessities of building lives and economies. As they have not learned the lesson as the spiritual bums they are, they never will. That is casting God's Pearls before swine. You are responsible for that misuse of funds.

In Nehemiah the Scribe there is a verse on supporting the Work of the Lord. In paying attention to what it says, YOU are required to give 1/10th of your yearly income to God's Work. If you pay attention to the verse below, it says the Priest (at that time in the destroyed Temple) will take those offerings (there really was not coin in that period of the restoration as food was a great deal more in demand and available) but that is what people who farmed (there really was not any other occupation) brought their first fruits to the Temple. In the second part, the Priest then took 1/10th of that for the Temple use.

Where did the other 9/10ths distribute? That would be to the Levites or the People engaged in the literal work of God to service the community. In other words in my case, it would be the Lame Cherry blog keeping you from harming yourselves as you think you are so smart.

Nehemiah the Scribe
Chapter 10

38A priest of Aaron’s line is to accompany the Levites when they collect the tenth, and the Levites are to bring a tenth of these tithes to the storerooms of the treasury in the house of our God.

That is the system which the Work of God operates under. People have a responsibility in tithing 10 percent and then in that distribution, the Levites got 90% as they had things like normal people in taxes, food, clothing, shelter and expenses like you do to pay for things.

If you are not engaged in this system, you are robbing God. You are robbing God by pretending how poor you are here, while you are suddenly rich when you are showing off in front of your pompous friends. You are robbing God because you are forcing others who are carrying your burden as you sit their in your luxury. You do not get credit for giving to whatever not got on the boat yet for America, as they misuse that resource and have proven they are just spiritual bums. You do not get credit for funding some NGO or some homo church that the CIA has overthrown. You don't get this for giving to these fraud charities who have hundreds of thousands of dollars in salaries for those on top.

I dislike intensely that the organized religion in this world has been overthrow, as I no longer have a Lutheran Church, all I have is the Bible and the Missouri Synod old Hymnal for worship. I do not like that I am stuck out here exposed, doing the work on point to save all of you, while having to do other work to survive in poverty like St. Paul, and then have to shoulder being Priest, Preacher, Pastor, Minister and Good Samaritan as no one is doing their jobs anymore and I have do all of them.

Our preacher got dismissed by the claque in our church. He now sells cars. His wife accused him of abuse. He has never been happier out of the pulpit and away from her. That is what is in this world. I get to fill in for a dozen jobs and I have people who sit around on their asses pretending they are Christians.

Those are the facts.

I am now off to dragging stock panels a quarter mile through the snow, as I do not have a tractor, but I have responsibilities I can not shirk nor lie to myself what a great asset I'm to God like most of you.

Nuff Said

