Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Survey


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm sure most of you are boring at surveys, not like my girlfriend Stephanie as she is even more creative than I am in online personas. Fortunately for surveys, I am more perverted as Stephanie is a nice person who is in our lives to bring balance so God does not zap me with lighting bolts.

Ok so I was taking a Wokemart survey. I doubt I will ever redeem the points as I do not remember the password, like my Google account. The survey was about blow up beds or dolls which are interchangeable it seems.

When they asked me about improvement, I explained that what I really would like is sexy animal skin prints on my blow up bed. You know African stuff in zebra, leopard, boa.........even though snakes are not soft like fur, I think you could make a fake fur boa that would be pleasant. I tend to write articles in answers so  this went on for sometime, about nakedness, the sometimes not needing sheets, and I intended to use this blow up mostly for caring for my dead in laws, who are not much trouble.

We are dealing with wokesters, they simply will not comprehend any of this, and probably just forward it to the the New Black Hole Calcutta gal whose name is Areethema but goes by Jane in customer service so you think she is a White perons who cares.

I could go on about this and probably will.

I always tell these surveys that they should sell firearms. Does not matter if it is Walmart or ATT, I suggest that ATT should give away guns along with the purchase of a new account or something like that.  No one ever says shit like that to them, so it makes an impression of this customer is to be listened to and this girl is asking for a gun as a freebie.

I love guns. I would love to have people give me piles of guns. I would love the people who confiscate guns, give me those guns. I would love to have Dictator Biden tell me, that me and my new best friend, Hunter, could go into the FBI and ATF and take all the guns we want. I would like to go to the Smithsonian too I think I would like the Aberdeen proving grounds, as they probably have lots of fun things there that I could load up and take home because the Dictator likes his boy's new best friend in Lame Cherry.

Hey Tucker Carlson was best friends when Hunter was a perv screwing his sister in law, their kids, Chinese kids, Obama's lurch daughter, so I think I can have Hunter as my best friend now that he is laundering money in those paintings of his and is married to just one little girl.

Just give Hunter a bottle of brandy and some White House prescription drugs and he would be the easiest guy in the world to get along with, a real best friend, with gun benefits.

Anyway I make surveys interesting for those who have to read them. They probably masturbate to them which is a sin, but I write really good answers and you just know there are closet gun owners working at the woke conglomerates who just love reading, "I want a gun", and they start daydreaming about like getting the Dictator to give them the rifle that popped JFK, not the Oswald one, but the real brain poltice one, and they could take it out and show their NRA friends who would all point it at each other's heads and pretend they were there in Dallas.

I don't want the Kennedy guns. They got sunk in the Gulf. I want me an 1886 Winchester or something like that in 45 90 or that one they chambered for 348 Winchester as it would be just dandy to carry around in the pick up. Cartridges probably cost 10 bucks a round, but not like I would be shooting the thing as no buffalo around here anymore that the owners would not be pissed off for me blasting them.

I really do want some big blow up bed with soft fur on it though. Be better than sticking to plastic. I suppose there are covers for them but that is another purchase and more work for me.

I think I better close now and go pray as have lots to be thankful for and pray about.

Nuff Said
