Sunday, October 15, 2023

Being in a George Orwell Shit Bowl

Don't listen to yourself as I hear everything for you.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Once upon a time in America, Americans like Davy Crockett and Mark Twain would castigate stuff like is quoted below. The media that long ago would ridicule like that below, authors like George Orwell would type novels mocking such stuff and Sherwood Schwartz of Gilligan's Island would dedicate comedies to 3rd world banana republics to ridicule this stuff

Below you will read that the FBI Director says there is a rise in domestic threats, but the FBI is going to battle them in America and abroad.........again I'm ignorant as I did not know that American law usurped other nation's laws but not to be delayed by legalities, the Director ends with that there are no threats and not any intelligence indicating any danger.

FBI Director Christopher Wray delivered a speech on Saturday, acknowledging a rise in domestic threats attributed to a “heightened environment.” 

Furthermore, he proceeded to assert that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is firmly dedicated to persistently addressing and countering these dangers, both within the borders of the United States and abroad.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recently published a statement on its official website saying that, despite the absence of any particular and credible intelligence regarding a potential danger, it remains actively engaged in closely monitoring the ongoing events. Furthermore, the FBI expressed its readiness to promptly adapt its security measures as deemed necessary.

This stuff is so common now that everything is Orwellian. This speech was given in front of educated and trained law enforcement. Not one of these attendees stated that none of this made any sense at all.

Gilligan the Director says I'm a domestic threat. I never worked as 
a maid in my life.

Nuff Said
