Saturday, October 14, 2023

In the Pipe, five by five

I would like to get in on that blood libel thing, so this next war should
be called World War Dubya.

“Don’t be surprised if Israel takes whatever action is necessary to defend herself. And it’s gonna be ugly for a while.”

- Big Mike's Sex Dad 

“They [Iran] have prepared for many years. It might happen in the next five days it might happen in the next five weeks. I think we are on the cusp of something quite cataclysmic.

Of the four areas of conflict, Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel, and South Africa, the expert said South Africa’s role would be to act as a cyber bridge between the East and the West.

The reason why this is allegedly important is because China has become adept at cyber attacks in recent years, meaning they could be very effective in a cyber war.

Overall, Mr Golan said China’s aim was not geographic domination, but economic domination in that it wants to pivot the world economy from the dollar to the Yuan.

Ukraine allegedly forms part of this strategy in that it will drain the European Union’s and America’s resources.

As another Lame  Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is absolutely filled with revulsion at the carte blanche verbiage coming out of the likes of George W. Bush and Dictator Biden telling the world that it supports genocide, holocaust and the elimination of the Geneva Convention.

All of this harkens back to Lincoln's War in trying to define Confederates as "rebels", so Lincoln could not abide by the rules of warfare, but could burn down civilian homes, hang people and exile them.

Let none of this be lost in Gaza is OCCUPIED TERRITORY. It is not under Tel Aviv law, nor is the West Bank. The Philistines there are not terrorists, they are not freedom fighters in some woke speak, they are Soldiers in their army and in their country, which is occupied by Tel Aviv and what is taking place against the Philistines is a crime as intense as the civilian attacks by the Philistines by these Philistine Soldiers.

As the English, Americans and Russians threw out the Geneva Convention in World War II, except when it came to their people, England firebombing Dresden and other German cities, America firebombing Japan, and Russia raping it's way through Slavic lands and Germany were all crimes as bad as what the Nazi were charged with, but those crimes were never answered for. Now George W. Bush, the best friend of Michelle Big Mike Obama, has gone complete Hitler Scorched earth in supporting Tel Aviv in ludicrous propaganda which Sean Homo Hannity is repeating about beheaded babies to blowing up hospitals in Gaza. Civilized people do not conduct war in this way. The United States military in the Bush Wars never blew up hospitals or children in daycare. There was not any notices to vacate a city in winter as America was going to blow up that city. For Tel Aviv, this is exactly what they are conducting and this is all by design to expand this war. Everything about this is manipulation, the Pentagon War planners as much as Tel Aviv have concluded that they have lost Ukraine in the Kiev Nazi. They know a war must be fought for profit, so if Russia can not be baited in to Europe, Russia's southern flank must be lit up, and by lighting up the Mideast, it cuts the Chinese and Russian corridor to Africa which will be used by China and Russia as an aircraft carrier for operations against America in the Atlantic.

That is why this English prawn is stating that there are four key points in this. Ukraine, which is active and controlled by Russia. The Jewish state which is a nuclear base for NATO which is the exposed location as Turkey is nuclear, as Iran is nuclear and removing this American advanced base will negate Saudi Arabia which is already swinging to the Muslims completely.

I do not see Taiwan as a part of this until after China can take what it wants without consequences. South Africa will be the key then as China has already embedded trojans which will shut down military bases and surrounding cities of support in their infrastructure. America can not fight a war if it is busy trying to wipe a Private's ass in Fort Hood.

This Anglo Expert is probably correct. This will be 5 days to 5 weeks. The key to this is what Tel Aviv engages in after leveling Gaza homes. If they move in, their body count will rise. This is about natural gas wells off of Gaza which Tel Aviv lusts for. This appears to be about cropping the too many young Jews in the IDF in Gaza post birth abortions.

American and London finance are to hold the cloak of Tel Aviv as they stone Gaza to death to keep Hezbollah, Syria and Iran from entering the fight. They though have already entered the fight, including Iraq,  by sending on the ground numbers of Muslim militia fighters. In this sense, this is a different war, as Ukraine is a different war. Hamas and Hezbollah have been armed with American and European weapons out of Ukraine. This was deliberate in why the District of Criminals were dumping billions in weapons into Ukraine. They were arming the side against the Jews to open a southern front against Russia by taking out their allies in Syria and Iran. The Tel Aviv ambassador has already warned Russia that Tel Aviv will use nuclear weapons based on the Russian doctrine of being overrun. That is what is being baited in this, and the projections in this are that the Jewish children going down to Gaza will be bloodied. Hezbollah and other militia fighters will overrun the land of Tel Aviv, and at that point Tel Aviv will unleash the term tactical nukes in Gaza, Southern Lebanon and Damascus.

The Lame Cherry does not project Iran entering directly with missiles into Tel Aviv, no more than North Korea would become involved. As the inquiry indicated in the Dick Allgire bubble, North Korea, as it is logical Iran, will bide their time until opportunity arises when NATO will not be able to respond.

The last projection in the 5 by 5 is that if this is not progressed in this war, Europe will be lit up with Muslim riots to make NATO react and hot spots will be created in America to force another 9 11 Bushtopia response as it is apparent that George Bush has a Hitlerfilia in giving Jews a pardon from an Nuremberg Trials, as Dubya having snuffed Big Mike, likes the musky smell of dewy blood on the battlefield of the Holy Land.
George W. Bush apparently after suckering Evangelicals, stopped asking what Jesus would do, as Jesus would not be blowing up women and children to get at natural gas wells in Gaza.

The cartel wants this war expanding and if the District of Criminals does not expand this, then a reason will be provided throughout the West to expand.

We're in the pipe, five by five.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
