Thursday, October 19, 2023

When it does not make sense

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm going to continue with our experiences with these Shungite elements as science meets the unknown as I try to understand what is going on. Richard and Stephanie I appreciate as they are the logical minds in asking the hard questions which makes me look for answers in what I believe I'm experiencing along with TL.

In my projections, I believe that Shungite is a fullerene which is unique in the Carbon 60 buckyball, a reflection of the Universe in a sphere of pentagons, looking like a soccer ball at atomic structure.

I think it is a unique material created by God in the energy fields. It is a conductor of energy, as magnets are in a way, as quartz crystals conduct radio waves and as silicon a glass is a light prism, all different, all not interchangeable, but all part of a wave length of energy, which when first experienced as magnets are as a child seem magical.

We purchased as second group of spheres.I simply was drawn to spheres naturally as this is what appeals to me at base level. We chose the 9 cm spheres again, and this time added the 3 cm spheres. The reason is, they are more affordable than pendant and you get more material. I would have gotten bigger spheres but they were out.

I was expecting something smaller in the 3 cm, these are quite large in being about an inch and eighth. What those were intended for is carrying outside on errands to dampen EMF as I can feel the effect in  being more tired and once home where the spheres are, gaining energy back in an hour. They will go into pouch worn around the next. Am pleased I got the smaller ones as something larger might be too large.

I do believe though that in Shungite, size matters.

I was gifted a flat pendant shape in this order, and I held it for a few and I think I felt energy in my heart region.

We sat the new spheres out in being spaced and I could once again  tell where they were. The effect felt more on top,  the sides, but not as much underneath of me. I do not know if the earth dampens or shields, but there was less aura feel below.

As I cuddle these things, in prayer or rest, I wanted to try out the small spheres. I could not feel the same effect as the larger one, but by the time a few hours had lapsed, I could feel tingling in the center of both my hands where I was cupping this ball.

I held the large on the next morning and when I got up to eat breakfast, I felt an almost irritating tingling in the center of both of my hands. My hands do tingle with this material when I hold it, pray and concentrate. Perhaps I'm more Spiritual or electrical but I'm conducting current so my nerves are tingling.
I told TL the other day, when the Holy Ghost explained to me what I was feeling and TL lit up and agreed,' It is like when you arm goes to sleep and it tingles, but without the numbing or the pain". That is what this feels like, tingling or pricking sensations

The one sphere did dull up, but there has not been any altered effects manifesting from it, it is just Shungite is a soft material like coal, as they are, like we are, all different forms of carbon.

What I think is taking place is, the Shungite regulates energy and that means from demon, to EMF, to bad thoughts. Those dark energies are part of the earth consumptive in satan being the opposite of God. It dampens those unnatural frequencies so things like disease or evil does not manifest. The reason I conclude that is TL and I both have fungal problems in sinus or lungs and we have gotten better. The Shungite suppresses the energy which this stuff lives at best.

I'm certain the devil was working deception in trying to get us to get rid of this stuff as it was interfering with the afflictions which were suppressing and hindering us. From getting upset over nothing, to chickens getting out, to doubting what was being felt, the Holy Ghost explained and that was cut off in  Jesus Name and we still have the spheres and are studying the experiences.

I believe that this Shungite is like the Ephod that God gave plans for to inquire of Him. Each stone in a gem was a representative of the 12 Tribes as a whole. Somehow this device communicated when worn by the High Priest. While this Shungite is not a talisman in my experience, it is meant to be explained by what was known, that carbon gems assembled did conduct energies from God, and that being the case, this Shungite seems to have a natural law of like an antibiotic in neutralizes energies which are not operating at a perfect frequency.

I'm fascinated by this and as logic dictates I go back to Star Trek where Captain Kirk orders Spock, "If you can't tell me what it is, then tell me what it isn't".

I believe I'm getting closer to understanding what is manifesting in my experience. I have no idea if other people will experience anything. I know we did not re experience the first contact as I believe we were cleansed. I still feel center and top brain pulling, but that is where I generate from in focusing on God. It is though not a replacement for the Holy Ghost ,but as the Holy Ghost brought to mind, "The Ephod had a purpose too."

As this has evolved in holding this sphere this morning in bed for a few hours, I did feel for a period of time like I was lighter or being uplifted. I think I have been at this about two weeks and I do feel more energized from inside like a charge of energy to be projected. I know the energy in my hands is back, without explaining in depth what that is.

I hope there are other positive experiences to share as I never expected what is taking place. I thought this would be some EMF thing that I would not notice and I would just be glad the EMF was being lessened. I never thought that the polluted electricity is in the same frequency of the devil, decay, things that exist in that consumption and disease.

We do feel more at peace, even with all the ill at ease we can feel on the outside pressing in.

As no one has looked at this from a scientific point of observation, this is what I'm doing to find answers to something that startled me and does not make sense.

Nuff Said
