Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The World is Responding

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

President Vladimir Putin of Russia, issued a reminder today, in stating it was not a threat, but his Space Force from this time forward undertake permanent missions over international waters of the Black Sea. These flights will be armed with hypersonic missiles, and the President reminded all that the two US Aircraft Carrier groups are within range of these missile should the District of Criminals issue orders for these carriers to strike Russian allies in the region.

As a reminder, the Khinzal missile, only requires one Mach 9 missile to implode a US carrier and kill all 5000 seagenders aboard in a fraction of a second.
From the moment of launch, a carrier would be destroyed in under 3 minutes.

On other fronts, the Western embassies were almost overrun across the region by protesters who took to the streets. The sourced was the Tel Avi Air Force using an American JDAM to murder 500 hospital patients in Gaza. The hospital of course had a Gaza weapon's cache, but now Dictator Biden is lying for Tel Aviv in stating this was a terrorist missile. According to sources, there is sound evidence in the video that this was a JDAM as they make a unique sound coming in.

Iran rose the Black Flag of Muhammed over it's sacred mosque. This is a call to war.

In review as the Lame Cherry stated days ago, threats were issued behind the scenes if line were crossed. Those threats are now appearing in public. If Tel Aviv attacks Gaza in a genocide, Hezbollah will attack and so will Iran to back them, because Iran is certain in Russia will sink the two US carrier task forces in the Mediterranean which the Lame Cherry stated were sitting ducks and were an absolute unmilitary thing to do, unless you wanted Japan to sink the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor to start a war.

If this was a poker bluff, it has gone horrifically bad as if Tel Aviv backs down, it will be viewed as cowardice and invite more attacks. The United States backing down will send a message across the globe that nations should start signing up for BRICS and save their gold.

The world is worse off for world war than if Tel Aviv had immediately gone in and had their wokesters slaughtered by Hamas.

This is not a threat
