Friday, October 13, 2023


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I really do not know what kind of relationship other people have with God. I know when I talk about my interactions with God, there have always been enough assholes who will store it away to use against me with relish, as they think it means that I'm a lesser Christian than they are. One of my disowned sisters is that way, she relished that for decades.

God Inspires me sometimes when He wakes me up in the night, and at those times I seem to be flooded with revelations. to the reality that everything is so clear and it is all so easy. I wake up and ponder those things and my mind seems so slow and labored, that I have trouble putting things into words, for the millions of words that seemed to be involved with that moment in the night.

I really have what I feel literally is an arms length relationship with the Father and Jesus. For as much I abuse and misuse His Name in prayers to get things done, like everyone does, making Him their house nigger, when I try and reach out to both of them, I feel nothing there.
I'm the Holy Ghost's creation and property. He breathed me to life, and I screwed that up too, over love, and while it is hard, compared to what I was Gifted from Him, the distance is just different than being distant from me. I look upon the work done through me as "I'm here to get a job done. I'm here to be worked through on a mission from God. If I do not do it, God will work through someone else. It does not matter if I'm the piss pot in the corner and the pretty gold plates are on display, because I console myself that God uses me for the shit jobs often enough, and I would rather have that in the trenches working for God than only getting the special times. It is what I covet most, in my interaction with God.

I have been trying to make amends with the Lord Christ. After a few days of this pondering, the Holy Ghost made me realize that this is Jesus. He died for everyone. He created everything. He is the Son of God.
What am I going to do for Him that is going to make amends for my abuse and misuse of His Gift? He already paid the price that I can never repay for me. He made the amends. All I can do is obey Him completely. That is what proves you are real. If you implement His Commandments.

It was in this dialogue that I was taken on a track of understanding I had not thought of. God is Spirit, the Father. He does not manifest in this physical universe. Jesus as the Word, the Thought of God, is the One who created all of this. Christ is the physical link to the Spiritual. The Holy Ghost is the One Who unites us in Spirit out of this temporary reality, back to the eternal reality of the Father.

Jesus is the Conduit as no one else could be. The Word or Thought of God is the One Who said "Let there be", and everything was made, that was made. That is the link to the physical of we who were sown into this temporary life as seeds of the soul, to become Spiritual children, if we choose to be.

The Holy Ghost has explained all of this in the reasons why and I have written of them previously, but the office of Jesus as the physical is something which is more in depth than I had considered.

What we know, as our physical universe, has a Let there be, beginning and it will have an end. I can tell you exactly when it will be, as the time line is sure. Jesus will return just after the beginning of the Hebrew New Year at the end of September. His advent will be at Atonement or Yom Kippur, which is when Armageddon will be fought. The period of the in gathering or boothes is Thanksgiving in November and in December, Jesus will fulfill His last High Day of Temple Dedication, around Christmas.
There will then follow 1000 years, a 1000 year Sabbath for the people to experience what the world would have been, if satan had not been present. Once this 1000 years is completed, the forces of Gog and Magog will gather again against God's People on earth and they will be obliterated. After this the new Heaven and new Earth appear. 

The physical which we knew, which Jesus has created will not be any more. Some of this is going to disappear in Christ's 1000 year reign when He will be the Light of the World at the head of the flowing river of Water from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea. 
The real physics will change as New Jerusalem, a city which floats down from Heaven, will be 200 miles in cubic form. That is an immense mass, which in our physical laws would not be able to float anywhere. But the physical age will have been completed, and we will be like all things a transformed Spiritual body of Christ, the extension of the Father and infused as One by the Holy Ghost.

People who are separated from their bodies in death, seem quite linear, individual in Heaven and in hell, as while they are not physical, and are a soul or Spirit, they are of the immortal coil yet. There seems to be a vast and complete infusion of Love which unites the Spiritual of the New all in one and one in all.

The physical makes us uniquely separate. The soul makes us uniquely bound. The Spirit of being completed joins us as together in a mystery of the Oneness of God.

People who invest all of their will and desire for the experience, being or having of things in this short time, will vibrate in this beginning and end, which Christ created, but this physical creation can not continue on, it has an end, and it will be replaced in this New Creation, which is what people are to grow into in the prototype of Thee Spirit Man, Christ, as that is the only Being which will be in the New Heaven and New Earth.

The Holy Ghost is a Consuming Flame. This is reflected in the Sea of Glass and the Lake of Fire. What we are now can not experience God in pure form, as this energy would consume us. That is the New which is coming. Unless a person is born of the Water and the Spirit, this Kingdom is not one we can inherit.

I just looked up one of thee most Inspirational manifestations of God in this world and there are so many which reflects all of the above. We have a legend of the Philosopher's Stone which when added to lead, the lead becomes gold in a fire.
Lead and gold, the pure reflections of who we are and who we are supposed to be. One common in this world and one uncommon. One dull and one brilliant which will not tarnish.

Look at the words in the following links on lead and gold in their melting points.

The melting point of gold is 1,064 degrees Celsius or 1,943 degrees Fahrenheit. This is one of the highest melting points of any metal, and it is because of ...

Jan 11, 2023 ... Lead: has one of the lowest melting points of any metal at 621 F (327 C). Aluminum: has a relatively low melting point of 1218 F (659 C). When ...

These are two metals which are almost the same weight, and yet they are so different by God's design to teach us as St. Paul states that nature calls out to reveal God.

If you are a lead ball or if you are a gold ball, a physical lead or a Spiritual Gold, and you are thrown into that New Heaven and New Earth Spiritual fire, you can witness in this world, if you had a lead ball and a gold ball and put them both into a common fire, that the lead would melt, while the gold would remain solid and unchanged.

Christ created by the Father all of this universe to reveal God and what is to come, as a womb for us to learn, and a womb with a decision point as it will pass away as time ends. Christ with the Holy Ghost is the Philosopher's Stone, not in fiction, but reality, to change all who choose from temporal lead to eternal Gold.

We were made physical to make a choice. There are not any restrictions on us to force us to come to God. We were given that choice by God, so we would choose, and we are then locked into the choice we decided upon. We are given about 70 years to decide which is a long time to transform to being always physical or becoming Spiritual The physical end is the Spiritual beginning.

I don't know why the Holy Ghost was explaining this all in the night, as once the Prophetic Keyboard manifested this grew to another teaching dimension to appear here, as it always does. I will hopefully ponder all of this more in the Father and Christ by the Holy Ghost as I always have questions and I always desire to know and understand what God is revealing to me for His work.

That is what the Holy Ghost led me to this morning in my reading, the fury of God and the dross to consume the inferior.

I have to go now, to hopefully ponder some more. I desire to know why.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
