Israeli occupation forces steal $2.76 mln from West Bank shops, Banks
The Israeli occupation forces stole cash from the West Bank amounting to about $2.76 million, during a large-scale raid that targeted multiple cities at once.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The longer I live, the more I see the Nazi's had great ideas like holocausts
and looting other nations.
and looting other nations.
You talk like 2.7 million dollars is something. I stole a 100 billion from America
and am stealing a trillion in natural gas from the Philistines.
and am stealing a trillion in natural gas from the Philistines.
Of course the money went to my personal bank account,
where else would it go?
where else would it go?
I got a kid hiding out in America. You have no idea how much
I have to lay out to keep him in kosher booze and women.
I have to lay out to keep him in kosher booze and women.
Can't we all just focus on what matters in, Hitler failed, because he
didn't have nuclear weapons. I do, so I will be a hero.
didn't have nuclear weapons. I do, so I will be a hero.
Hey Bibi, we're still on right for Hannity and my beach front
property after you dig up all them dead Gaza babies right....
Levin, every time you clear your throat, it sounds like
you are saying "shylock".
you are saying "shylock".
Nuff Said
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