Trump and I held elections in war and insurrection,
so how incapable are Biden and Zellinskyy cancelling theirs?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Thee illegitimacy of Victoria Nuland's Gigolo Dwarf in Kiev has reached the hypocrisy of Dictator Biden hiding in basements for two election thefts, in Vladimir Zellinskyy is not just the recipient of a Kaganite coup plot, but is not going to hold elections in Ukraine on May 20th.
That is called a dictatorship.
Abraham Lincoln held elections in an American civil war.
Donald Trump held an election during an Obama insurrection and had the election stolen from him.
In both cases, America survived, the worst for wear but America survived.
Ukraine must be made to hold elections on May 20th, even more stolen, fraudulent and dead people voting elections. To do so otherwise forever places the United States once again in league with despots who have nothing to do with democracy. After all, this all began when Crimea legally voted to join Russia, and has not had any pro Kiev protests since becoming Russia. So if Crimea can hold elections as Donbass held elections in war to decide their political associations, Kiev certainly can hold elections.......just as Russia is holding elections and will invite in international observers.
"The ‘Maidan-3’ special operation will reach its culmination between March and May, 2024," the committee said in a statement, published on the Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR).
According to the committee, in the coming weeks, "attempts to ignite conflicts, both inside Ukraine and in other locations" will take place, and Zelensky’s legitimacy might be challenged after May 20. The committee believes that an attempt will be made to destabilize the situation in Ukraine by early June, at the same time when Ukraine will suffer a military defeat in the East.
What is most interesting in this is, Ukraine is fully aware that it will face a complete collapse in the east of Ukraine in June. That will leave Odessa in the South to be pincered off to join the Russian Federation next by autumn.
This dwarf of Kiev is like a Kiev proverb in a man throwing his children to feed the wolves to save himself, and finally sawing off his limbs to throw them to the wolves. That is what Zellinskyy and Nuland have done to Ukraine. They have cannibalized this state to make a Black Rock Vanguard money pimp platform to it, to fund the American and German military industrial conglomerates.
It is past time for America to be shed of Kiev in these Ashkenaz thugs. As this blog has stated, Russia has spent her oil revenues on war and advanced weapons which it can not sell to other nations. It has now turned Ukraine into rubble. It will take Russia a generation to rebuild Ukraine if it is simply handed it like East Germany was West Germany and Kiev is hostile to Moscow to pin it down further.
That is the solution to this horrid Kaganite criminal mess. Give Russia her prize and let her dwindling population deal with this shit hole of Kagan globalism.
Agreed no elections as even if we cheat the people will throw us out.
Nuff Said