Bad, bad, blood, blood
There is more than the vax
To expose you my child
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The blood ghouls of the Red Cross have now issued protocols to not take blood from the vaxed as there is a real problem with that altered blood supply.
What the Lame Cherry is warning in this is, with all the artificial blood out there, the day is going to come when some cartel ghoul is going to issue an executive order which confiscates the pure blood in your veins to "save" the vaxed.
I'm going to issue another warning in this. That Erica Kahn on Rense has been pushing a narrative of the unvaxed are getting turbo cancers and other vax diseases. As this blog stated previously, WE DO NOT KNOW THE HISTORY OF THESE PEOPLE. Meaning if they had sex with a vaxed person or had some other type of exposure of body fluid injections, then they were vaxed.
It is no different than a heroin addict using a dirty needle and getting AIDS or hepatitis. There is a difference between being prion shed upon and having that mRNA vax platform injected into your body, and that platform hijacking the DNA inside the human cells.
You will recover in a few weeks from prion exposure, but you do not recover from the manufacturing process in your cells once it is contaminated. There are HIV drug treatments for the prion, and there are Ivomec and Panacur treatments for the broken DNA which is life extending, but people need to understand that reports stating people who are unvaxed have these COVID diseases, are not taking into account the myriad of sexual, drug abuse and just plain contact that things can pass. A herpes mouth sore will like a cold sore transfer that virus, by open wounds. As an example, my dad had cold sores on his lips. He for lack of a better term chewed on my brother's ear when he was a baby in playing. The combination of whisker burns and perhaps scraping skin gave my brother a cold sore on his ear.
We both got canker sores drinking from the same dipper from my dad's infection. That is a form of being vaxed, as much as a rabid skunk biting you.
No one knows the activities of people in their closed doors or what stupid things they expose themselves too like using public toilets where some draining pecker or oozing vulva had that fluid wiped on the faucets or door handles, and Darwin comes along with a cracked sore on their hand or sticks a booger finger up their nose after touching that fluid, and the unvaxed is vaxed.
As we have not witnessed myriads of cases of unvaxed spread, that means these cases have an exposure which was probably sexual as people will fuck anything and then not admit to it.
Just do not take blood transfusions, stay out of hospitals if you can, as this is still sorting itself out. The death rate is progressing in the treatments for Vancers are buying what looks like a year, before the cancer comes back in spades.
Again, 2025 is DEAGLE spikes, so 2026 AD in the year of our Lord, should begin to see allot of this sorting out, and then it will be the unvaxed Mexicans and Chinese trying to eat you.
Nuff Said
Nuff Said
Apr 27, 2023 ... Neil Sedaka - Bad Blood (Official Audio) · Comments6.