Sunday, February 25, 2024

HAARP Zero, Ridge Two, Lame Cherry right again

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As Lame Cherry predicted with the HAARP weather nuke, you will see below that a massive storm outbreak will sweep across the center nation, as HAARP  fixates on attempting to break this natural warm ridge which has built over America.


I stated, Kansas, Illinois and the Ohio will see severe weather, meaning tornadoes, and my children and my brats, do not be surprised if a front line does not generate out of the Great Plains with 100 mph straight line winds as this is possible in a front generating it's own push. Not predicting, but this is possible as these have generated in the past years.

Now for another revelation. The Ridge, the protector of warmth in this drought cycle is not going to be broken by this weather nuke of cold. There will be seasonable warmth and this great ridge is going to rebuild. HAARP tried hosing this down with that California monsoon and 60 degree temperatures appeared in Fargo. Seasonable warmth will be in this, the cold bomb will not work in disrupting this ridge, and as there is some slight moisture on the back side of this for the Plains, followed by 40's, that means the ridge will stay in place, and will build to warm temperatures.

It does not appear that HAARP is going to develop any more super storms from the California area to hit this ridge as they are running out of Calendar time. The earth is warming naturally as it should. It is not feasible for Chinese soybeans grown in America to try and cold nuke this later as it will freeze crops off. Chances are the Michigan apple harvest will be destroyed as the buds will be frozen off in this zap.

The trend in this should be warmer weather setting in again in the 60's on the Plains, which means snow storms and major tornado outbreaks will cease for the eastern United States........if HAARP stops this weather terrorism.

May the ridge be strong.

Nuff Said
