Thursday, February 8, 2024

never take advice from men who have relations with wolves


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So  as I type this, it has been allot of breakdowns, so I turned to the internet to get a refresher course on how to fix a Lincoln arc welder. On this link, you will find how to do it as it is all simple, according to a man who has relations with a wolf.

I should know better than to trust online experts, but it was a nice 50 degree afternoon, so how hard could  it be, working outside in fixing a welder according to wolf boy, no more than a 30 minute job.

The essence of wolf boys narrative was to take off the front panel. We did this, and found nothing but a solid sheet metal plate. Obviously my Lincoln is assessed older than wolf boys, but he does not inform you that out of ignorance of welders.

So looking things over, TL and I figure that the only screws and bolts to take loose that look promising are on the side and the back. So we start taking things apart and sure enough, our welder comes apart from the BACK. Slight reality shift at this point as what was an easy job, turned into a 2 hour plus chore.

We never did get the amp setting thing apart, as I was not going to bust the plastic and not have a welder. All we did is just grease it with Mystic to make it at least not stuck at 45 amps anymore. I polished the contact points with a rough cloth and then put that together and went to work on the switch which was sticky too. That I was not taking apart as the fan is hooked to the back panel on mine and it is wired tight and the fan is attached to the it got some WD 40 and in a two person job we got that lined up.

Now this is where the fun really began as this is sheet metal. NOTHING lined up again. .We started at the bottom and declared defeat and went to top to bottom on the screws and yes I used a hammer to convince some things to line up.

The welder is together. It does function, but this is some warm weather project and looking for more information than wolf boy provided as Lincoln really revamped the "how to get at these welders" after this 1970 something model.

I have taped the cables so nothing is exposed as I do not want to replace them. I'm hoping like most things in my life, that when I leave things sit for a bit, Holy Angels appear and fine tune things and things work out well. This welder has not been apart since it was manufactured, so it is what it is. As the world is full of them, I'm hoping to get a salvaged one as a back up and not have to change amp settings too much as that is where the problem started.

 I just am certain that this is the last time I take advice from someone who has relations with wolves.

Nuff Said
