Wednesday, February 7, 2024

What a Dump


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is in lamentation, mourning and woe, after discovering how the First Presidential Advisor, Ivanka Kushner has fallen on such hard Jewish times in the dump she has moved into, in she does not have a home, just a barren lot in Miami Florida.

Perhaps these hardships from being kosher will bring her back to her Protestant Christian roots, as someone as wonderful as Ivanka should not be forced to live this way.

For some reason, billionaires in Florida get away with racism in naming a golf course, Indian Creek, but this is the dump that Ivanka has been exiled to with other castaways from humanity like Jeff Bezos and  Tom Brady.

As the quote below explains, Jared Kushner in receiving 2 billion dollars from Saudi money to his investment firm, purchased a barren lot for his family to exist on. Yes it is almost 2 acres but it is just dismal. This is a manmade island and by the water levels, if someone with a big fat ass like Big Mike Obama were to tread on it, the island would probably sink and poor Ivanka did not even get a dock for a houseboat to flee to.
This is all troubling as Donald Trump would never allow the First Daughter to be exposed to such conditions if he was not being diverted by all of these court cases for years. To think that Ivanka is living homeless and an exile in America. It just should not be this way for  the woman who may soon be Queen of America.

On December 7, the New York Post reported that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner plunked down more than $31 million dollars for the 1.84-acre lot at 4 Indian Creek Island. Previously owned by Julio Iglesias—arguably Indian Creek’s most famous resident until recently—the property has 200 feet of private bay front and comes with a reported tax bill of $472,764 per year.

I took a few Google photos of the horrid place that Ivanka is existing on. If you look close there is an ugly golf course in the back, a stinky asphalt highway, the stinky ocean, not even a beach to walk on, and what is troubling as I'm sure Ivanka is an avid garderner, her lot will not even grow grass! You can see the lawnmower wheel tracks from space in these photos in how poor the soil is.
How is Ivanka going to feed her Jewish children? This place would not even support a goat to milk, little alone grow potatoes and cabbages.

Her neighbor appears to be in dire straights too in living in some flat roofed hovel, no pool, no cars, no boats, and how can one expect anyone to have anything when you pay a half a million dollars in real estate taxes on  acreage that in hot Florida would kill a scropion.

This is all depressing as there is not pretty dark green grass. Just sad yellow grass, in poor sand, and I'm sure if the family knew, they would shiver as a hurricane would simply disappear this life threatening sand trap.

I just do not know what can be done. Ivanka is living in a dump. Betty Davis was so right in calling the dump a dump her husband could only afford to provide for her. Ivanka though is too sensitive to ever crush anyone like that, as husbands do do what they can do, and obviously this is the best that Jared Kushner can provide for his family. I'm sure that Julio Eglaisus told them, that he grew 200 bushel corn and grazed a hundred beef cattle on the lot, but people say all kinds of things to make a sale, and this Latin must have done allot of talking to have Jared believe this was the kind of property he could feed his family on.

Perhaps someone in Iowa who is rich will have compassion on Ivanka on one of their pig farms and give Ivanka an acre and a bred sow, so she could get by on some land of her own until her husband is doing better. Perhaps someone in Louisiana will give Ivanka a few acres of swamp so she could fish for crawdads to feed her family until good times come again. Surely there are kind people who have opportunities to help the Kushners back on their feet one seed at a time.

Nuff Said
