Thursday, February 8, 2024

sheep fang

Look friend, we're all peaceful here, you brought a tool in a cane,
he brought a tool in a knife and I got a tool called a gun, we love peace around here.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a survival man named Stefan Verstapen and I absolutely love this character as he is Canadian and was banned from entering the United States, so he was led by God to settle in a Mennonite community.

We had a Mennonite family here. They moved out due to the weather, but we liked them. They are not Amish sheep, more like sheep with fangs if it is necessary.

What I smile about Verstapen is his lilt, as the Mennonites are not violent or bearing arms by nature, and yet warrior Verstappen shows up at a coop meeting where they are building raised beds and says, "By the way I got a pile of walking canes here..........see we can use that miter saw there and open up the crook end and cut a point on the other end, and just like that, you have a kind of defensive tool that you can carry".

The Mennonites all wanted them in he gave them all away

No one else but Verstappen could go into a German community and hand out weapons and the non violent citizens would immediately in this world of danger, assess that this was a good idea to have them.

My thoughts about the cane were in I used them allot on sorting cattle over the years. They are very handy. I have stopped charges with a blow to the horn base on full grown cattle and have changed cattle's minds many times with a cane blow to the head or nose.

A plain old cane will work as a defensive tool, but it might crack as like bats and canes on cattle, they will snap at times. My thoughts are more than just a cane as I would like to amp them up. Metal bands would be lovely on the hook end, with a kind of grip on the base end. Turn it into a hammer sledge. I think some kind of leather thong would help too in a loop to keep ahold of it. I like the idea of a leather wrap too.

Our preacher but a metal hames ball (off a horse pulling harness) on top of his which was more like a staff and that thing, as he is a combat artist, would put an end to anyone like Joan's Giant did in defense of France on English skulls.

The pointy end I'm at a loss over as metal will slip on floors. Is not like the good old days of dirt where a metal spile would go unnoticed on wood sidewalks and dirt paths. So that part I'm not much versed in, as  yes like a cop batton, getting jabbed in the liver usually ends all thought of violent intentions, stabbing is not what you really need and who wants gut shit on their pointy end of the cane, eh?

Still there is probably something I have not thought of in this quick type which would be a welcome attribute.

We have a number of baseball bats, metal mostly, which are nice to have, but are not exactly cane identity to walk around with. No weapons mind you, just something to have along in case we want to bat things around.

For some reason, somehow a set of brass knuckles appeared in my pockets. Not that I would ever want to use them as I never want to get that close to anyone who is a danger, but the oddest things appear in places you never dream of. They just appear and you think, "How did that get in there?"

I do have a New York Cop billy type sambock or whatever that thing is called. Is about a foot long, hard as a board, leather, metal interior and as one person said, "That will crack a skull open so watch out with that thing". Would carry like Raymond's behind the back carry of a pistol. Granted not a cane, but that is why Brother John carried a staff as it has reach and not something up close.

What is amazing to me is, that up close tools, like small ball pein hammers or big flat head screwdrivers are kind of ready made tools. Just do not want things that stick out and tell the world that they are fangs. You want a nice smile on your tools so they have camo.

Anyway I'm going to wrap this up. There was a war movie, starring Lawrence Olivier which was in Canada, he played a Quebecois, was his best role I think, but that was about Mennonites having fangs too. One thing you can count on is these Israelite Germans in America, they all seem like putzes but they get quite clever in their fang natures which are always just below the gum line. Is why Verstappen is a perfect fit and why the women know how to handle rough characters like him.

God always provide a home to the humble and King David ended up before being King David out in the community doing good for people who had no one to do good for them. Always is reason in God's plan for all of us.

Nuff Said
