Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Barbie Doll Human

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When the Lame Cherry broke the exclusive that URA in the vaxes was the protein URACIL and not uranium as Erica Khan and others of the Moltov Mob were fear porning people, it took almost 2 years for the tourists to get on board, steal my data and just announce it was uracil. Why this matters is that the continued research is showing as this blog revealed why uracil was chosen in the amino acid group, and that the foundation of this is the newly examined in the human gut, or Circle Proteins which are not able to be detected by the antibody defense system of the body, and they appear to be "sleepers" in they fuse themselves to other viruses in order to be transmitted and spread.

  • A very recent study by the French biomathematician Jean-Claude Perez has highlighted that N1-methylpseudouridine inserted into mRNA gene sera can generate dangerous proteins such as killer prions, responsible for lethal neurocerebral diseases such as human Mad Cow Disease (CJD), or the so-called “eating amoeba”. brain”.
  • N1-methylpseudouridine is obtained from the manipulation of the uridine nucleoside which is made up of the coupling of a ribose molecule and a uracil molecule. Uracil is one of the two pyrimidine nitrogenous bases that form the nucleotides of RNA nucleic acid.

The Lame Cherry is going to return you to an early theme of these bioweapons and that was transhumanism which was reported and then deliberately discounted to cover up what was taking place. I'm going to submit a theory I have been developing, which is a different way to looking at the massive death rate of this cull by vax.

If we look at the fossil record, we note that humans had a number of close relatives in the homo categories, which disappeared. As a Christian, I would believe they were wiped out in the Great Flood. God wiped them out for a reason. Thee only trace of them is the Neanderthal line, considered a sub human. This same line is one of the targets of this killer Wuhan virus and bioweapon. Those behind this wanted this genetic group wiped out.
Ok so let us project that the sons of Cain, who were the same people who were advancing, built pyramids, began with demonic science, started making a slave class to worship and serve them. That would have undermined God's plan like the freaks of Canaan in the Hamites and God wiped that corrupt DNA out.

So these sub humans were wiped out, but let us say Ham's wife happened to be of a group which she carried the Neanderthal line as interbreeding occurred. That genetic material continued on and those who are the immortals did not want this in their lines for a reason as they are transforming humans into something else.

I believe that the Greys in this same metatron technology have been hybridizing humans. That is what all the abductions is about and they have corrupted a huge swath of the population, which again is that group targeted to be removed as they are competitors, as this line appears crossed with everything from reptiles to insects in this DNA platform expansion.

This is then a way of looking at this in cropping a huge population of billions for a reason by a small elite immortal generated group on the false tree of life. The other competitor group in this are the children of Light, who God bred in DNA from Abraham's line to be Spiritual. It is why Deagel stated most of the people of the West would be dead in a few years, because these are the Lost 10 and Semite groups of the son of Noah in Shem.

So there is a DNA war taking place by three groups in the Pentagon's Iron Man, the Immortals and the Hybrids, all vying for control of what humans will be to serve these masters. There is a reason that the platforms were chosen. Corona is a fast mutant, easily transmissible. Prions are an indestructible platform. These Circle Proteins are at base in this  carriers of altered RNA by design, so this will spread without vaxes as the vax has infected people with the intended platform. This is where the transhuman will be based in this CP that activates to spread fusing with a virus that appears naturally, again the virus is a simple form that has had a shelf life for all human years. These are all stable, perfect platforms to conduct this transhuman evolution.

The vax has proven a consistent manifestation. It speeds up what is inside humans that is the weak link of DNA, meaning if people were going to die of cancer, they die of turbo cancer. If it is brain bleed, they get the brain bleed. If clots, the they get clots. The prions are the final phase of this it seems as the prion infects the spleen, travels up the nerve conduit to the brain and then rots the brain. The small percentage of this billions group who will survive, will then be a most robust group of altered DNA with few genetic weaknesses if any. They will be prion immune, DNA alteration immune and be a creature which is really not biological of this planet as what normally infects a human will not affect these transhuman creatures. You might as well call them plastic people, as they could not more catch a cold than Barbie doll could

So if you wanted to make an Irish Setter as the Irish did out of white and red dogs with short hair, you would drown thousands of puppies to get your focal type. It is no different in what the cartel is breeding in humans. They will cull billions to get a most unique group which does not have lurking in it's DNA these homo prototypes in Grandpappy Euphrates was impregnating for pleasure. The cartel is getting a human evolved group which will basically be immune to death in what causes death on planet earth.

Works great for those in charge, but not so great for those who are not perfect in the Nimrod eye.

The basic reason of this is, the cartel does not experiment on itself, but on the cloth of the land, and when that cloth becomes a creature which is immune to everything, you harvest that DNA  for infusion.  As you probably do not get this yet, the Bible says their worm dieth not in the curse of what is coming. As this blog has stated, how would you like to be immortal and discover in your false tree DNA, that you have a cancer that eats you forever. You can't die as you are immortal now. So you have pain which would drive you satan nuts. You can not take that immortal step until you get a DNA that is not corrupt with subhumans or a DNA that is immune to all disease platforms.

Do you understand this all now a bit better now that the clutter is out of the way, and the Lame Cherry again pulled your non donating, self absorbed ass out of the abyss so you are looking at this in the correct thought process?

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

or do you think others in the cartel want to look at things this ghastly forever

