Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The Poaching Fix

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a fix for Chinese rapine of the world in their degenerative lack of quality which will add to the forces of turning the world into the dark ages.

We have a 25 cent egg poacher from China. It is one of the fold over ones.

The cups have non stick on them.......they are flaking off.

As TL and I are not fond of eating toxic nonstick, I started looking for a replacement.

Replacements were 13 dollar same shit quality metal cups or silicon cups of 4, for like 5 bucks.

Neither pleased me and as Gaymart was not going to deliver cooking spray oil, I told TL we were going into Dollar General to see if something was in there, as I could find nothing anyplace else.

What the Lord led me to, was metal measuring cups. The were selling for 6 bucks for a 4 cup set of 1 cup, half cup, 1/3rd cup and 1/4 cup.

I got two sets in the hope that the 1/2 or 1/3rd would work.

Washed them up, measured, took the 1/2 cup duo off, and TL oiled them and used them, and they were perfect. The eggs did not stick, like they did in the Chinaman non stick.

They have handles on them, so are prefect to lift out. It was the perfect fix.

I could have spent 13 dollars for them crap in two cups which would fail. I could have spent 5 bucks on silicon which I doubt would hold up, and I have no idea if eating silicon is good for anyone.

So the fix from God was, I used two 1/2 cups, and still have the full cups for measuring which is the only one I use anyway. I still have these two 3 cup sets for my prep bags, so nothing is lost. I figure I made money as I got my cups to poach eggs for free, I have my measuring cups, so at 12 bucks,  minus the 13 bucks.......I made a dollar, plus have the measuring cup sets at 6 bucks each.......I made 13 bucks.

Yes I have a 6 egg stainless steel set. It is too big. This fold over one is better suited, even if it is deteriorating too. I though can always deal with that too with JB Weld or something.

I realize not many people poach eggs. They are not my favorite, but we do not eat as much oil in poaching as we used to. It is healthier and that is what matters in not exuding olive oil out my pores every day.

So that ends the fix solution in the continued education here.

Nuff Said
