Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The Second to Last Stop to Clarkesville

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm looking at the obituary of a 40 year old guy in the Brier, while to Gens that is an oldster, the fact is he is a waymark in the transition of the vax cancers killing the 70 plus old people to now manifesting in the 40 to 60 group.

I know his story as it was told to me. He was being treated at the Mayo Clinic, and they sent him home. Told him, he had two weeks to live. He died 2 days later, so I wonder if the hospice morphine was just turned up and he took the calm way out.

He was having a horrific time, in the tumors were growing and liking the cancer treatment which was supposed to arrest it. He was having trouble holding his balance and more to the point, he had gone blind as it was affecting that part of his brain. There are a number of brain cancers now developing from this mRNA.

This is what we have reached in a pattern in the vaxes. We have gone through the people who got the shot into a vein, and it spread like wildfire like my brother and killed him in weeks. My Stage IV aunt, she had recovered from lung cancer, it came back, and spread to her brain. That is the reality in this, in I have seen enough people get most of their body chopped out and this does save them for a time, but that cancer is still in their body, and it always ends up in the brain. You find a spot somewhere, and once it in soft tissue, it is in the brain and that is what kills people, in the need for morphine to stop the pain, as was the case with my cousin. He liked drugs and liked the drip. Lasted a few weeks longer as he was having a better time in drug use.

We have the phases in this, the deterioration. The vax phat, the cataracts, the organ failure, the heart attacks, brain bleeds, clots which are running through each age group, depending on how damaged the vax was when injected by an incompetent. In that, for once having horrid doctors in shit hole America saved some lives, while the best doctors handled the vax with care as it should, and like my brother found in the booster, it killed him right fast.

So unless  this mysterious TB which is being prepared for by Big Pharm appears in 2025 AD in the year of our Lord, most people are going to die, if they dodge the other broken DNA and prions of brain cancer. This is the second to last stop on the morgue train. The last stop appears to be brain rot from the prion. This is the end which the vaxed will face. There is not any denying the emerging patterns.

There appears to be a delaying treatment,  in people are taking a combination  of Ivermectin and Panacure. I have been told that the Fenbendazol can keep the cancer at bay, and a Rense guest, Keighleigh Nelson says,  Mebendazol actually helps with the brain cancers. These are not cures though as that must be understood, as the cancer is still there, and that last stop in this is still there in the prions are eating holes in the brain, so Mad Oprah is that last stop, no matter what the mRNA does, as that prion is in this to make population reduction a success.

There are probably allot of bad ways to die, but I consider lung cancer and brain cancer as the worst, but it helps if you can get doped up on morphine, while brain rot is something a person is not aware of once the mind goes. It is just a wearing burden in those who have to deal with the person in the slow Ronald Reagan death.

The patterns are there it seems for the established projections. Some things are still popping up in people are now having "dirty sweats" staining their clothes and that has not been tracked down yet in what that is now two years out plus, in this vax.

People are just going to have to deal with end of life realities, and make decisions beforehand, so those incapacitated around them, do not have to feel guilty about the decisions. My brother and Auntie both appeared to me after their families put them down, in being pissed off about the betrayal. Yeah you could not leave me some token of appreciation in your will, but you show up because I'm the only one who has the gift of seeing  the dead and I get the emotion and the message delivered.

I told Auntie to just let it go as she was in Heaven with her beloved husband and my brother I will not even deal with, as he was here this past fall in the presence of a white wing dove that kept calling and calling. I was unmoved. I told God that he had a lifetime to be a brother to me, it ain't going to happen now.

So grow up in your decisions, as you made the choice, so deal with it, and stop bitching to those who can read you when you're dead, because those gems you treasured are the ones who put you down.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said

Feb 1, 2012 ... A re-edited song from The Monkees TV series. This is from episode 2 with adds from episode 3 and live shot from episode 32.
