Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Time Lines


The prophecies of the seer mainly concern the invasion of Europe by Russia during the Third World War. However, he also says that before the war actually takes place, a war in the Middle East and the terrorist attack on New York will take place, although the attack will be an event unrelated to the Third World War.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While the original sites are down and most of what I try to pull back up by my methods will not hold like the Tholian Web, I do retrieve bits and pieces. There are two main events which preclude the final world war. Then there are the stadia events which initiate the war.

I had thought in the past years that these Bavarian seers had seen something and other events washed them away.  As someone who writes time lines, I still learn what the matrix of time and thought is, as a living creature. What I'm beginning to comprehend that the matrix is a womb of thoughts which manifest as events. A thought placed into the matrix is like eggs in a woman's ovaries. They are always there, even if they are not produced.  Just like a menstrual cycle, eggs keep being issued like events, but when the events are fertilized, then the matrix womb begins to develop that event to be born.

Events can be aborted, but when that event is a destiny event, they will continue to produce that egg, which will finally be fertilized by the sperm of reality, and that event will occur. This is symbiotic as in the above cycles, in one event will assist another birth event..........like women living close together synchronize their menstrual cycles.

New York is destroyed unexpectedly before this time of war by small explosive devices, that explode very low in the air. The image grows more vivid, becoming like houses blasted apart from a violent storm. In the explosion inferno (the explosion's epicenter or "ground zero"), I saw nothing left standing. It would seem to have occurred around noon (local time). If one considers however, that, in the early summer, it becomes light very early, that could be also in the morning hours. I saw all details clearly and with extraordinary clarity. Here (in Austria), there was yet no war at the time. When news of the destruction was being broadcast on the radio for the first time, I wanted to eat just a trifle (lunch). At the close of the news report, it appeared to be an especially clever act carried out by psychopathic enemies (terrorists?).
 Prophecies of the The Seer of Waldviertel

A vivid description of a vision by The Seer of Waldviertel a.k.a. the farmer of Krems (Austria) which predicts the destruction of the city of New York during an early summer morning/noon, by terrorists using two small nuclear devices. The prophecies of the seer mainly concern the invasion of Europe by Russia during the Third World War. However, he also says that before the war actually takes place, a war in the Middle East and the terrorist attack on New York will take place, although the attack will be an event unrelated to the Third World War.

This is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I had thought in the past years that these Bavarian seers had seen something and other events washed them away.  As someone who writes time lines, I still learn what the matrix of time and thought is, as a living creature. What I'm beginning to comprehend that the matrix is a womb of thoughts which manifest as events. A thought placed into the matrix is like eggs in a woman's ovaries. They are always there, even if they are not produced.  Just like a menstrual cycle, eggs keep being issued like events, but when the events are fertilized, then the matrix womb begins to develop that event to be born.

Events can be aborted, but when that event is a destiny event, they will continue to produce that egg, which will finally be fertilized by the sperm of reality, and that event will occur. This is symbiotic as in the above cycles, in one event will assist another birth event..........like women living close together synchronize their menstrual cycles.

-Lame Cherry 
