Friday, March 1, 2024



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For this you are going to have to pay attention and not go off searching for things you should not be involved in and not what I'm trying to teach you, as you are children in this and have no idea what is what.

The modern era has lumped all kinds of earth based energies into the term Geomancy, a divination of earth energies to predict things. Most of this earth signs came out of the Assyria. Here is an example of a computer device created in the Mideast.

This earth divination takes on many forms from bones, lines in the sand or casting of marked dice. I'm not speaking of this at all.

I'm speaking closer to Feng Shui, the observance of the lay of the land to influence outcomes or to build your home on the correct energy of the earth,  BECAUSE YOUR DNA IS AN ELECTRIC ANTENNA WHICH IS AFFECTED BY ENERGIES WHICH ARE BENEFICIAL AND HARMFUL TO YOU, depending on what EMF or what Shungite you are exposed to.

So when I touch on the observation and use of earth energies, I'm not tapping into neutral or demonic sources, because here am I, of God in all I base things. You should not be involved in these things as you are children and brats who would engage in door opening or self inflating actions that will get you possessed.

With that out of the way for the kids who stick their fingers in light sockets, we can now begin.

The earth is a huge energy generator, you can call it magnetic lines, but it rotates, creates friction, has a molten iron core, so it is like a big battery and it reacts to solar energy infusing itself into it. Earth is like a human, in it's DNA can be affected by evil which disrupts it into chaotic energy releases like earthquakes.

These energy lines, are what Tesla and others were tapping into which the public does not understand and those in power suppressed as you can not sell coal in electric lines when you can transmit energy through the air to power things. They are termed Ley Lines.

I will use the term SENSITIVES as psychics have gotten a bad reputation and deserve it in their divination. I'm an empath. I'm a  sensitive. Everyone has this ability if they would just listen to the voice inside as it is always telling you things and most people shut it out.

In history, sensitives were used in America to construct the telegraph lines. They were called geomancers, because they could feel the earth energies flowing and put the lines on those energy lines, because in the 1800's all people had were batteries, and it was found that in a number of instances if you strung wire lines over the correct energy flow the telegraphs were self powered.

This is what I'm discussing here in the natural energy of the earth and those who are able to read that energy. My Beloved Uncle was a dowser. He could find water and by the bending of his metral rods, could count how far down the water was. We had another guy here who was tracing caves, could find buried objects and he was most skilled. I was stunned by the flat brains on reddit who were posting like most of the repressed NSA Mockingbird sites in saying none of this works. I know better as I have done it and this  blog proved it could be done when I predicted the locations and places of earthquakes several years ago. Accuracy began fading at 6 months, but I was spot on in the close range.
I do not explain how I flash read the matrix as if God so chooses He can have you led to what I do at times in how I study this.

All this is, is tapping into energy of some form, God or neutral. People on Reddit would admit that they  can feel the presence of someone entering a room before they are there. That is all this is in things have energy and when you focus on the unique energy which everything does have,  you can "read" it, whether it is water underground or an earthquake.

Animals will flee tidal waves or earthquakes hours and days before a major event. That is all they are doing is feeling shift in the energy which sends an alarm signal to their brain to move away from that surge.And yes like on 9 11, people felt that trauma days before thee event as it caused emotion in million of people. The matrix does have an energy wave which generates backwards in time if the event is large enough.

So the telegraph engineers or surveyors would read the land. In numbers of cases, Ley Lines will follow the natural course of the water drainages. Animal trails are these same natural courses and the geomancers built along them, because animals felt the energy.

Now for something never discussed before, and is a Lame Cherry exclusive. My entire life I was frustrated in the place I was born on, compared to my Grandpas. He could plant tomatoe seeds, they would sprout, grow and flourish. I would try that and mine would die or be stunted. Plants just died in this house, except for cactus or African Violets. To this day, we have plants on Grandpas we put there.....they flourish on barely any light. It is the Ley Lines.

This house has always felt wrong to me. My parents  were both sociopaths and like my siblings were probably all influenced by the energy here. This house was built on a slight rise with a slough water drainage 50 yards to the north. This entire location is a series of rises running northwest to southwest. These are the energy flows too. Where this house felt wrong to me, I spent a great deal of time in that depression as it always felt right to me. For the exclusive, the earth has a north and south pole, just like magnets. Ley Lines just like human arteries and veins, are plus or minus. I do not want to say positive or negative, even though the energies affect people positively or negatively, but that does not make them good or bad. It simply make one beneficial like oxygen blood in arteries flowing to muscles and veins carrying carbon dioxide to the lungs to be expelled, which is necessary for plants to live.

The plus minus energies are working but in different ways. It does not make them bad because they harm you in the minus, it simply is part of the flow like a battery hooked up to your starter in the can't get the car engine to turn over if the negative is not hooked up. The negative I believe is ground the expelled energies for earth to recycle in this beautiful God generated system of energy. You just do not stick your fingers in the light socket. You instead stay by the light switch to be save and benefit from this energy flow.

I can add to this that the Shungite has been most beneficial to us and to this place, to align what would be called the Chi to positive. It simply moved it.

That moving has changed the weather in part here and this entire structure as we have allot of wind here and I study it. It puzzled me how in 50 mph winds, there are dead spots. The cattle always find them in fields. Those who saw my WINTER SUCKS pictures last year, saw the location where on what looks like relatively flat ground the wind rolls, it calms there and snow just piles up. Wind, Water and Ley all follow this and there are pockets. I'm convinced that this place was a dumping of used energies and that is what I was not comfortable with. My Grandpas place does not have that dump taking place on the homestead so things grow better and live.

In one of the pre HAARP weather patterns, one year in my childhood, we had horrific lightning storms and allot of rain. The storms came in summer and from the northwest, and I would lay in bed and listen to them. If you ever have heard lightning sizzle, that is what I would listen to. The same area by that Winter Sucks message, I would see the bright flash in my window and then just clutch the covers as that sizzle would come, then that crack and then that explosion like a bomb going off. I have no idea if there is an iron deposit there or if the land just in Ley arcs to the sky in a conduit point there, but that area is just horrific for strikes.
By a same oddity, several summers ago, I noticed on our walks this white splintered tree in the grove here. Lightning had exploded a tree and we had not heard it. That is something of another field, because at age 3 I remember being in our yard, and this bright light about the size of a Coke bottle disappeared into the ground at my feet. I do not remember fear or hearing thunder, but satan was trying to murder me at an early age,  This location does arc energy, in a sort of stairway to Heaven, but in this case to the sky. This is not uncommon as I invest time in our gravel pits in picking out diamonds, or what are melted sand from thousands of years of lightning strikes in those locations. I like the ones which are dark like Horehound candy.

Now where this all goes is into Tesla and Stubblefield's work in what I will not reveal. I can tell you that either by ignorance or design, the information out there is wrong in it focuses on the Tesla Coil, which is part of this, but the coil is the end product. It is the device that absorbs that Ley energy which is the key to all of this as much as what links that energy to the coil.  I'm convinced I know what this is and how to link this bionic machine. Again, lack of donations makes lack of time, and years past as I struggle and the rich end up as dust in the wind.

What does all of this mean for you? It means if you would by the Holy Ghost, just tune in and listen, absorb the messages the energy flows are telling you, you can understand your location better as the earth is talking to you constantly. As I was discussing this with TL about the energy flows, I happened to open myself up for an instant and received a wonderful jolt that made me shiver as it went through my spine, as by instinct I shut it down as it does scare you to be hit by "earth lightning".

My hope is with the world warming here, and having the time and resources I can go play with the tools that I have outside to gain a greater scientific knowledge about the situation here. I can flash read, but I would like a more on scene device to conduct my observations.

That is probably enough information which it would take you years to plough through and never find the answers.

Nuff Said
