As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As it is no secret that the Lame Cherry will not be voting for Donald Trump or any GOPliter in 2024 AD in the year of the Lord, the following is not advocacy nor anything else in promoting Donald Trump, it is just an examination as I have read things on leftist sites who claim that Donald Trump is going to make detention camps in the millions and deport all the foreigners he helped bring in.
We know that Donald Trump loves the FBI. He is going to build them a new building for Director Wray to administer from and that will mean millions of more FBI Agents to find thing to do.
We know that Donald Trump, like Joe Biden, just loves babies being blown up with American bombs like in Gaza or Ukraine. This blood libel speaks a great deal to the coming trends in the world, as you know what is a million inmate prison today run by the FBI, somehow evolves to YOU'RE FIRED, in a new money making reality show, perhaps Don jr and Barron will host from FOX or maybe it will be CNN, the thing is the fired part might be bullet and bombs like in Gaza and Ukraine.
It would not be far from the imagination that Donald John in some new DIA program, would allow the military to get bounties in going out and hunting down all these invaders. It is incentive really in it might turn the woke into something as everyone loves money and the woke really love it.
So after the military rounds up the living invaders and puts them into camp, you know there will be a call to not just set them free, but to make them citizens, and you know that would be where You're Fired would evolve in thee American people love money, and are really in a bind due to the globalists, so just like Tel Aviv was making money off of Philistines in looting houses and stealing money, would it not be unreasonable for a President who likes holocaust, for the US military to like drop Mexicans off like 5 miles into Mexico, and then Americans could line up and see how many they could bag. While this of course in civilized Biden America of 2024 sounds alarming, we never know what 2025 will bring, and if they put a 1000 dollar bounty on the beaner per head, allot of college loans could be paid off.
Of course this would never be a forced gauntlet, this would be for invaders who thought they could hide behind some women and children shields and make the border, become Americans and get a gun of their own and start earning money.
As we know America is fair, I mean you can't just give Ashkenaz in Kiev and Tel Aviv howitzers and missiles, Americans by lottery could be given their chance at a big ticket item too.
I think this would all pay for itself as I remember politicians always said the more DC spent money the more it earned money, like there would be taxes on the bounties, the new ammo production would pay salaries and taxes, so somewhere a number cruncher would say this is making a fortune in taxes. After all the Pentagon has lots of obsolete weapons, that is what Ukraine and Gaza was about in giving obsolete weapons away at book prices, so the Pentagon could spend more money on death rays or hunting down people who said Lloyd Ausin was dumb as fuck.
The Lame Cherry would never say such a thing as that would be racist.
I think the mistake with those talking about Donald Trump is looking at him in 2024 terms. What we have to look at is what Trump will be in 2025 AD in the year of our Lord, because there was nothing MAGA about Trump for 4 years and he left his followers to be hunted down after January 6th, so a man who says one thing usually ends up doing the other.
It is just something to think about as I said I'm not voting for Trump again as I wrote the time line that put him into office and he showed zero appreciation.
I think that is about the place to close this down in wondering about the future of 2025 AD in the year of our Lord.
Oh one more thing, let us all be nice to the people who are trying to end the Constitution in getting Trump off the ballot, in making him more determined to retaliate on them in this stage theater, as the above woman is attractive and we must be chivalrous. If she was ugly like Big Mike, then of course it would be harder to be protective, but then Big Mike is like having an atom bomb at the Harry Truman Japs. All of us could agree that we would like to see our son or maybe lezbo daughter if we had given up on the girl, bring this attractive woman home for a dinner as her peaches and cream complexion and bright eyes just bespeak that the Trump vax has not taken it's toll ........maybe she never was vaxed and she was a pure blood and we could look forward to at least 2.3 healthy grandchildren.
Let us all treat those with White Priv with respect in their actions, even if it emboldens Donald Trump to 2025 things. We must be humane like the Gaza example shows.
Maybe 2025 will have DC humanely bombing Ottawa and America annexing that country like Tel Aviv is selling beach front in Gaza.
Nuff Said