Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Polock non Entertainment


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So when the bank confiscated what was left of the old man's venture into property ownership on my slave labor, he had in a government program planted a windbreak of trees, which has now about not done so well due to HAARP over wetting the Brier.

When the maggot neighbors from out of state acquired 80 acres to the right of the above photo, they "measured" the line and planted their line of trees. Yes it was planet 15 feet on our property as that is how you get ahead in life

What you are looking at above is their trees, which is funny in their trees are actually every year sucking moisture from their crops and stunting the about 30 feet out. The clump of trees is our old property line which the maggots decided just had to go. The first thing they did when they appeared was to dump piles of rocks on this end of the trees which bred vermin.  They were real assholes and as you can see still have rectum ideas in it was just important now to dig up an area about the size of your living room of trees and pile a barrier of the dead trees and brush almost on our fence.

I have no idea what these dimwits will do next in burning them there or what, but I suspect they will and we will have a wild fire as they are Polocks, true to the race in being quite intelligent, until it comes to basic things like murdering God's trees as they are in way. There are lots of millionaire farmers going through this phase in draining things here, putting in irrigation and tearing out trees which were planted when there were dust storms, but this never occurs to the millionaires in they rob Peter and Paul and pay allot of money to lose money.

I figure in two days digging, that his cost them about 600 dollars. These idiots will never recover that expenditure even if it is by half. If they get a bushel of corn or beans in being generous at 10 dollars a bushel, it will take 30 to 60 years to see this pay for itself. Honestly, I still have trees there, will plant more so the trees will suck water there and ...........they will get zero crop so they gained nothing ,but lot money.

I figure these people are vaxed and will all die in the next years and I will get this land back by God's Grace as it does belong to this property. I will plant switch grass, food crops and trees and enjoy it all as it should be enjoyed to God's Glory.

What do you expect though from a bunch of Polock Catholics that see a problem with trees, but never notice the HAARP dead skies in the photo above.

I hope all these people die so the trees and me will have some peace.

Nuff Said
