Monday, March 4, 2024

Putin Take All

This is an issue which will be decided by those who know 
they are men and women, Mr. Blinken.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a stunning meeting, Russian Federation Foreign Minister, Lavarov appeared in Washington, District of Crime, surprising United States Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, while Blinken was lecturing State Department officials on the proper use of the words, man and woman, where the Foreign Minister played a challenge for peace from President Vladimir Putin.

President Vladimir Putin

This is the transcript:

Regime which occupies the District of Columbia. The world has reached it's limit of war and threats of nuclear war. Therefore, I, Vladimir Putin, issue a challenge to President Joe Biden, in which we will meet in real combat to decide this. I am 70 years old, and while Mr. Biden is older, I offer this combat to include Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, and one hundred other Biden administration officials, to meet me on the White House lawn all at the same time, for combat.

If I lose, the United States and it's NATO will occupy all of Russia, we will disarm, your Black Rock can seize all Russian natural resources and every Russian will be a slave to the world for 1000 years.

If I win, then America gets out of Europe, Asia, the world. Americans will then vote if they would choose me as their leader to restore all their Constitutional Rights or return to the uniparty of Joe Biden and Donald  Trump.

My weapon will be a spear. Whatever the 100 Biden opponents choose is up to them.

As Anthony Blinken sobbed in wide eyed fright, an even more interesting proposal was added to this challenge by Kremlin spokewoman Zakharova.

Spokeswoman Marina Zakharova

It was less diplomatic.

This is the transcript.

To the woke sexual deviant cowards of the District of Criminals. I challenge with President Putin all the gender freaks in bed with this regime from that Dwarf Zellinskyy Nazi in Kiev, the butcher of Gaza in Tel Aviv, the shemale Obama and whatever abomination to God has seized power in America from the monarchy of London to the Banks of New York, to meet us in combat on the White House lawn, where the winners if they be Russia, will emancipate and liberate the world to their God given freedoms and if they be what is this satanic globalist cartel, the world will face it's doom soon enough from Jesus the Christ.

We are still awaiting for confirmation of the time for this fight to decide the fate of the world in Mr. Putin and Ms. Zakharova against several hundred woke occupants of the District of Columbia.

Nuff Said
