Monday, March 4, 2024

The Neo Slave Trade


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There has been much attention of the anti White prejudice in Google Gemini, but no one is speaking for the American Afroid, which of course the Lame Cherry will rise to defend this racial group of hybrids

Gemini on their site featured this nappy headed burr hair with those big white shining teeth, even to be seen in the blackest of night, grinning like a baboon. One can ask if being erased with White Out is worse or is it worse to be stereotyped as the stupid lazy Nigger?

The stupid lazy Nigger is not a stretch in this, as the caption reads that this Afroid female has written an email which is inept, due to her low IQ as she can not even compose an important email, so she must turn to a computer brain to craft a letter for her to provide her some kind of affirmative action, otherwise she would be cast off to picking cotton again.

Understand this is the world of the Obama's. This is the world of Val-erie Jarrett. This is the bode of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and not one of these leftists has challenged Google in their DIA funded creations of what is "a guide to humanity" where the base structure is that the Negro is too stupid and lazy to compose an email.

I honestly conclude this is worse than the silence about Whites not being there, as the the programmers at Google, are not just pedophile friendly, anti White, Christophobes, but they in their entire core of codex programming have transferred their racism that Blacks are all stupid and lazy and need help.

What is worse in this is Google programmers are in the ones and zeros, and the AI is doing this thinking, but outside of the AI is a real human and group of humans who signed off on this Gemini campaign and these people deliberately chose to portray the Afroid as the Mammy stereotype that is only good for feeding and breeding.

What all of this programmer psyche is based in is simple. It is stealing Caucasian genius, pirating as Asian thought and that thought erases Whites, but it's focuses on that the Negroid is a Jungle Bunny that needs a computer to think for it in how to peal their banana.

What AI reveals is degenerate Bill Gates types putting the whip to Asian Indian and Chinese programmers, who steal programming, but include their racism against the other two race groups. One it erases and replaces and the other it put the capital N on the Nigger word. These are supposed to be some of the most brilliant computer engineers in the world and what is coming out is molesting children and the Afroid is the neo Scaregrow in they have no brains and that is what Gemini is for.

In Americans schools once, when you had someone else doing your work for you, it was called cheating and you failed until you completed the assignment. Now for profit, Google has opened the Nigger Plantation 21st century to make profit off this Hamite group again in a new slave trade.

Why is it there is no one recognizing this global slave traffick which will turn the low IQ Negroid into something even lower IQ in Gemini in this race will only evolve if it is purposed to use that brain between their ears.

Nuff Said
