I have checked the model of my appliance, and confirm it is MVWC425BW1. I am definitely NOT just buying a part I found on the internet that looks like mine.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is a thank you to God and the people who are faithful to this blog and not the non donors who sit on their money and pretend they do not have any.
We bought a new Maytag Centennial washing machine when we came up the Brier. It paid for itself years ago as washing in Mexican infested laundromats are unsafe and costly.
It started to have problems due to the mother feeding\Poot things which made the poor cat hurt when it shit and then it ran around the house spreading shit, so I had to do lots of cat laundry and there was nothing I could do to convince that old bitch not to feedthat cat, as it was bribes and that is the onlyway the cat would have anything to do with her. Plus cat shit bother TL so the mother was using it as a weapon to make TL leave. When hell comes for that horrid woman, it will be earned.
So the washing machine started clicking, but still worked all summer. Then it started not wanting to cycle. Washing machines are expensive. Washing machine repairs are not arvailabale here and expensive too, so I started wasting bandwidth to find out what was wrong, as I never have been around any washing machines until now.
It was something called an Actuator. I found a half price OEM not on the Whirlpool site for around 50 bucks with shipping so I thought I would give it a try as it was 2 wrench retard rated and I thought it was worth it as the machine might rattle, but it is not wore out like most washing machine which get dumped.
JYG's brother gets all the washing machines in town which pisses me off, as there are some very new units there that get crushed and I could repair them or use the parts.
So I had lots of shit to do like welding that salvaged stock trailer, more pick up repairs as we had a 2 mile walk when the engine block heater just put in, blew out along with all the radiator fluid. Cutting wood, welding hay feeders in the cold, not feeling well, and on a Sunday morning I quit procrastinating and decided to give it a go, as if I messed up, I would have to go over to Grandpas for bandwidth and see how the Gaytube experts do it.
I could not unhook the machine and tip it over as my shut off valves seemed stuck. First rule is do not fuck with shut off valves as they may break and they you have a flood in trying to get a plumber in to fix things.
So checking things over, I thought I could pull the machine out, unhook the drain pipe, and then just lift the machine up at a slant and rest it on a 2 gallon bucket so I could get under there and see how things were.
I was concerned about some plate under the washer protecting things, but all was out in the open. I knew where to look for the synchronized actuator by the belt pulley on the drum and there it was.
There were two green screws holding it in place. I dropped one into the belt shroud. Yes I frowned.
The other came out, I unhooked the 6 prong electrical attachment and the actuator came out.
Near as I can tell, this is an electronic device that senses the load and runs the machine through the cycles from washing,rinse to spin and shuts it off.
I fished around for the screw cussing as I knew were it had to be, and it was there. There are holes in the shroud, but not big enough to drop through. I was thankful the screw dropped through so I could see it by God's design and then I had to pray as my little fingers worked to move it up, catch it and pull it out as satan was trying to have me drop it into oblivion again.
As I typed that, the machine completed it's cycles and shut off. It worked thank God and to the faithful people who have stuck by this blog. We have a washing machine which I hope will last now until Jesus comes back as I would even wash Jesus robe on the tap water cycle on light load as I never overtax a washing machine I own.
One more thing. There is a plastic arm thing on the actuator. You can see it on top in the photo in it is White like all good things. Anyway, when I first put this together I screwed in the screws and there was this slotted plastic thing on the drum pulley which was rattling around that I thought was the screw the first time. Having it not so I could see what I was doing, I missed the first time in taking it apart that this slotted plastic thing that is loose, is supposed to have this actuator plastic arm inside that slot. It was wedged there and the Holy Ghost directed my attention to that spot and by Him, I knew instantly what was wrong and how to fix it. Thank God for the Holy Ghost as He once again is my Guide and Teacher.
So the machine went through the cycles. Actually rattles a bit as I said, but it is still a sound machine. As I was looking at washing machines like this Centennial which has dials. I ALWAYS BUY DIALS as touch stuff gives problems and there is really nothing, like a gas furnace to these things. Just a belt, transmission, actuator to synchronize the load, some stuff on top which might plug because Mexicans wash shit diapers in machines instead of taking the shit out of diapers and of course the drain which can clog if you put linty things in the machine because you have an ass load of cash pretending you are poor and you just buy new stuff or your kids are waiting for you to die so they can buy new stuff and give you the cheap burnial instead of the wood casket.
I'm so thankful to God this is done. If I had time I think I would have learned to repair washing machines as they are allot simpler than Two Chiefs. It is all in doing the work yourself and not hiring it done and this was a 2 wrench retard job. Would have been easier if I could have flipped the machine over, but I was not spending a couple of hundred dollars to get the shut offs loose as I spent enough money on pick up repairs.
It is a relief this is done and now I have other projects in servicing the Lincoln Welder and getting the chainsaw running again with God's help as I need to cut a bit more wood.
Maytag Washer Shift Actuator Replacement -- Blinking Lid Lock Light
Tools in this was just a Philips screwdriver, magnetic one would have been nice, but who has those as you forget about them after the job is done and you say, "I should have a magnetic screwdriver".
It just cracked me up this lecture from the parts seller in not just buying something because it looks like something a person thinks they have. I did that with an oil filter on Two Chiefs this past summer.
....and yes when this worked I bought a back up as this is for Whirlpool type top loading machines. I suspect that I will find a number of these around and I will pick them up for nothing and have a working machine for 50 bucks. That solves prepping.
Nuff Said