As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
You know, it is surprising that just when you think fat, stupid pedophiles are not that intelligent, they spring into Darwin natural selection and can figure out that a Russian AK 47 bayonet up the ass is dangerous, so they better pull up their panties and stop raping children and run for their lives.
That is the reality of the great American allies of NATO Europe who keep trying to start a war with Russia for Americans to die in again, but the NATO forces are not re enlisting as they know Woke War is coming and do not want to die with all those orphan children to rape in the next war just waiting to appear.
Meet you on the other side.
Mar 18, 2024 ... Europe's soldiers keep quitting, just when NATO needs them. Western allies weigh up conscription or national service, as the threat from Russia ...
Now granted in this, you can see Anthony Blinken, is backing away fast from Americans at war in Ukraine, protecting his anus as he has is backing away from JuWars in the Mideast as Tel Aviv keeps trying to get America to die in a fight with Iran.
The problem is, in a real populace like America, there never really are Soldiers like my Beloved Uncle. To give you his example, he was a private in the US Army. The Paratroopers spotted him and tried to get him to join them. If you call it by the other name of Rangers, Green Berets, Delta Force, SEALS, that is the kind of man my Uncle was. He was so outstanding that the elite spotted him and wanted in from the rest of the culls in the Army and Marines. There even in a group of Americans like that, a finite group who fights, even the Marines have people who fight and the shit that peels potatoes and burns latrine shit.
The last bastion of American forces was Gulf War I. It was already degraded by vaginas and the other tard shit, but at the present, America has driven out of service by Lord Austin, the White Protestants, and what is left are the vaxed, the sex deviants, the genders and the cowards who think the military is a career. Whatever the numbers on the million man US military, the fact is that America has 1% who can deploy and fight. That is 10,000 and in war, they will disappear to hypersonic missiles in the first week. It takes time to train Soldiers, 8 weeks even with guns. Add advanced systems and it is a year.
The United States can not fight a protracted nor a short conflict.
The reality is that White Americans figured out the US military was a death trap and the children are not signing up for that sodom sex pit. So NATO is nothing but these worthless Harry of Sussex fuck heads, surrounded by child molesters. There is no warrior class to fight. Russia has been honing their Soldiers in Ukraine and even their potato peelers can fight now as a reserve.
Another example of the disaster of the Pentagon is the US Marines, an expeditionary force has been turned into wetware. They are nothing but advanced spotters for bomber platforms. That is what drones and satellites are for. When Peking beholds that the Marines are chopper dropped, meaning isolated, a hypersonic ends them. They return to what they have is lots of bodies to be used like Mao and Stalin used swarms of Asians, and that is how one defeats American mass destruction technology. Chinamen on fucking paddle boats, with RPG's defeat American island forts. That should sound familiar as that is how Wagner defeated the grand military concept of NATO in Ukraine.
So the European rats have fled the ship of military death and expect Americans to die for these socialist Darwins again. America is naked without a fighting force. If Russia does not get goaded into going beyond it's supply line of the Volga, these two leggers of England Germany France and whatever else culls are there, will never produce a military which could check or defeat Russia. The same is true in the shit that America has in uniform. The deliberate rot of the West will be complete in a few years and Russia can inherit the good earth and leave these shit holes to die by their woke the peoples of the West who are the survival of the fittest are not going to fight Russia, so they will survive, instead of being killed off in London banking wars against Germans.
The United States needs to divest itself from Europe and the Woke caste and Europe needs as Adolf Hitler stated to disappear and allow the natural supermen of the Goths of Scandinavia who Russians are the children, breed a more resilient generation back into the wombs of Europe.
Nuff Said