Wednesday, May 22, 2024

To Pact or not to Pact and then there is that Intervention

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is an undercurrent of information percolating throughout Russia, meaning this is Government approved in citing Peking analysts, confirming what this Lame Cherry posted, in the cartel has moved to the phase of assassination to foment world war.

What is interesting in this is the Greek press, in covering this, are speculating that a Chinese Russian intervention is in the working process over the murder of Iranian President and Foreign Minister in Azerbaijan East.

Without mentioning names, this blog has informed you, as I know nothing about this and will not become involved, what nation was behind this subterfuge. This now fits a Bavarian seer's vision of a time line in the Mideast.

MONDAY, MAY 20, 2024

In a white paper analysis, if Tehran, with it's proven abilities, resurrected the Houhti forces as a proxy, was backed by Peking and Moscow as both  are now moving in this, this would change the entire framework of the Mideast in days. Centcom would be driven from the region and the Tel Aviv threat of weaponry would be neutralized as Tel Aviv was not the target as the uninformed have jumped to the wrong conclusion.

The unnamed nation played this gambit concluding strife would be in the DC, Tel Aviv, Tehran axis. If though this shifted in a Russian investigation to the source, then the issue is international crimes carried out by that nation, a nation on unstable politics, with the disasters fomenting in the Mideast due to the Gaza Holocaust, and this act of war would bring the crippling reality of economic destabilization to depression and a crippling spike in oil prices and deliveries.

Due to the manifestation of these series of assassinations, it would behoove the Tehran, Moscow, Peking axis to strike in this manner, and project a realignment and strategic win as this would leave the West woke reeling from the shock.

May 7 - Assassination attempt on Crown prince Mo Bin Salman May 12 another attempt at colour revolution in Georgia. May 14 Attempted coup in Turkey May 15 Assassination attempt on Slovakian PM - Robert Fico.

Perhaps this pact should be left unsigned.

US and Saudis Near Defense Pact Meant to Reshape Middle East

May 1, 2024 ... The US and Saudi Arabia are nearing a historic pact that would offer the kingdom security guarantees and lay out a possible pathway to ...

Nuff Said
