Friday, May 31, 2024

The End of Tomatoes for Time


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Fearing my seed has become old, but not fearing the end of the world, I decided resupply meant a return to my gardening trials and restock on two tomatoes which I enjoyed in the Amish Rose Tomatoe out of Pennsylvania and the Russian Azoychka Tomatoe which I think means "woman" or something.

Azoychka was a favorite as a yellow tomatoe as it actually was not bland like all tomatoes which are not red or black. It produces well and grows well.

The same is true for the Rose, a very large beefsteak that is a rose pink colour, quite long season in maturing but is wonderfully fruity.

I simply do not want to enter a phase of waiting on Jesus to return and not having tomatoes to eat. It took me years to figure out that Big Boy was the tomatoe I wanted, a rather bright tasting, sprite tomatoe that grew well, but never has a robust tomatoe flavor. It was what the mother grew and everyone else and in good tomatoe years we grew piles of them. Was a real trial to find an open pollinated one which was stable. Now I think for the end times that I want something more in Amish and Russian.

Although I would put my favorite here, a determinate red, but if I put it here, I will piss in my pot in the seeds will never appear again as everyone will want this variety which I do have seed for, but you can find something like Early Girl to suffice.

I do have to build more tomatoe rings, which I make out of 6 inch PVC pipe from JYG. I'm going to for vines get some 12 inch pipe as even for cabbages that 6 inch is too small or hard to locate for watering once things get lush.

So now you have some secrets to make your end times more pleasant and plentiful.

Nuff Said
