Friday, May 31, 2024

The Policy of the Expendable Christian America

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The United States has always had a policy of the Expendable Christian Americans, where fodder for Wilson or Roosevelt global world wars or in the nuclear age in positioning nuclear missiles in the Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri and Texas, these Christian States were to die so Chicago, LA, New York and New England would survive a nuclear exchange.

I believe the Kremlin has astute advisers and war operations. The proxy war in Ukraine and Syria has proven that Moscow is deliberate and astute in their warcraft. For that reason, I conclude that in a nuclear war, Moscow is not going to strike the areas which are expendable in the West, but will concentrate on the cartel metro dictatorships which have overthrown the elected governments and are causing this move to nuclear war.

Russia can assess that American Minutemen Missiles are obsolete, they do not function at about 20% and numbering 400, Russia would either be wasting their inventory on empty silos or missiles which can not launch. Furthermore, those that can launch are easy targets for the near space protective systems of the Russian S 500 missile system. For all the vogue over the American Patriot, Russia's S 400 and 500 systems are what Patriot wished it could be as the 400 is over the horizon on atmospheric targets an the 500 will shoot down hypersonic platforms in space.

It would behoove the Kremlin to not waste 400 warheads on the Minutemen and to double tap where the real threats are generating from. Mr. Putin confirmed this in a recent statement of Russia will target population concentrated states. That means that Russia is not going to be blowing up French vineyards, German beer halls, English gardens or American deer herds on the Great Plains. Russia is going to hit the targets to make the maximum impact with knowing what nuclear detonations can achieve.

Why I'm revisiting this analysis is explained below.

Meet you on the other side.


The Lame Cherry concludes with the Christophobe rhetoric in the West, that just like the Ashkejews of Kiev  and Tel Aviv are using holocaust to eliminate Slavs and Philistines, and in Ukraine using Russia to kill off the Slavs so the Ashkejews will inherit the lands of Greater Jewry, that this same hatred against Christians in the West holds a same pattern in the bunkerstate of the Kaganites has their Star Wars protective umbrella for their cities, but they have left nuclear targets for Russia to shoot in the countryside, whether in England or America. These cartel elites have an objective so Russian nuclear missiles will cleanse the land, and then King Chuck and whatever chuckster is installed in Canada, America or Australia will have nuclear cleansed expanses for their "parks' to fly their drones over to enjoy, devoid of all humans.
The cartel wants Russia to kill off all the rural peoples, so they do not have these gun owners roaming around as a problem to be dealt with from the bunkerstate. That is the conclusion on the facts.

In noting this, I do not believe from analyzing this that Russia is going to carry this out. Russia knows these rural populations appreciate the Russian Orthodox morality. They appreciate the leadership of Mr. Putin protecting Russians. It why the Obama messiah cult was going nuts when American sportsmen magazines were gushing over Vladimir Putin as one of their own.

Military wise, it does not make sense for Russia to kill 1 Caucasian in North Dakota and 50 deer with nuclear weapons, when they can kill hundreds of thousands in the metro dictatorships who are causing the problems. Politically, Russia understands that in a war, they will be crippled too and vulnerable. Europe will be of little help. Their Muslim allies will sense weakness. China will still have a viable population of hundreds of millions to push at Russia, if there is no an American population to ally with. The Russians being astute chess players, would factor in that keeping the 100 million Christians in America alive, and rebuilding their nation, knowing the Plains States, the Southern States, the Western States were not targeted by Russia in the war, will make these peoples more prone to be allies of Russia. White Russians and White Americans equal a deterrent against Yellow and Brown Chinamen.

So the Kaganite genocide in the Christophobia against Americans in using Mother Russia is not something which the Russians are going to be complying with. Russia must eliminate the Ukrainian Slavics as they are antagonists against Russians, even of the same bloodlines, but Russia is leaving a base population of a minority Slavics who are not taking part in this proxy war against Russia.

It appears by the stance of Russia, that they are going to cut off the command and control, but leave these rural and village populations of Saxons viable for future alliance. The Lame Cherry reminds all of you in Europe and America, that Vladimir Putin is of the stock which sailed up the Volga River in the Goths, the Swedish Vikings. Those people made Russia a kingdom and interbred. The Goths are blood kindred to the Saxons, meaning Israelite Lost 10.  Our bloodlines speak to each other now and over the generations.

Americans and Europeans know they are targets of their regimes. Jan6 proved that. While nothing can be done about the police state hunt downs, besides observing the laws and paying your taxes to keep out of prison for a coming nuclear war, something appears  to be generated from Mother Russia in the Russians are factoring in who are their blood kindred and their natural allies who are the persecuted moral peoples of the West. The cartel has made you a target, but it looks increasingly assured that Russia is not going to be pulling the nuclear trigger on the rural peoples who have no antagonism against Russia.

It would behoove provinces, states and counties to declare themselves as in the Cold War, as Minnesota was engaged in with Michael Gorbachev, that they will announce a non combative status against Russia. Hungary is being listed with other nations by NATO in this stance, and Americans have the same right to demand their local leadership to decree such a standing, as why should Americans Christians die for the filthy lucre of the socio conglomerates and the 30 pieces of these puppet politicians who are driving all of this.

Nuff Said

